Ruby Rose You're a Tribrid

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Troy went back to his dorm and his teammates were resting and drinking some blood. When Troy got in they told him their compulsion ran off. Troy was surprised that they willing told him without him saying anything. Troy asked why they would tell him. They said that life wasn't that bad with him and following a few rules they would willing do it.

 Troy took that under consideration and told them he wouldn't compel them again as long as they followed the rules from before. They all joked with him and stood in attention and saluted him. After they did that Troy rolled his eyes and they all laughed at him. They asked why the compulsion ran off and Troy proceeded to tell them what happened. He left out a few things like Ruby being his child and how he compelled the others. 

They all said they didn't like Cardin anyway and now he wouldn't be a problem. After the story it was getting late and the sun was down. They told Troy they were going to go raid a blood bank. Troy told them no killing and they agreed. After they left Troy had a knock on the door. He opened it and saw JNPR, RWBY, and CFVY(Coco Adel, Fox Alistair, Velvet Scarlatina, and Yatsuhashi Daichi). Coco started checking him out and whistled.

Everyone looked at her and rolled their eyes. Velvet started whispering in her ear and Coco was laughing at her. Ruby came in and hugged her father. Troy hugged her back and Coco started whining because she thought Troy was dating Ruby. She complained about this and Troy heard her. He nipped that instantly and told her that is not what is happening or would ever. Coco chipped up from this and started getting happy again. 

Yang butted in the conversation and said that would be extremely awkward seeing that Troy was Ruby father. CFVY instantly reacted and screamed "What how!!" JNPR said they would like to know how that could be too. Everyone looked at Troy and told them they would want to sit down for it was going to take awhile. Troy proceeded to tell them how he met Summer and how they fell in love. He told them why he had to leave and by the end of it they all were crying at his story. They said it was so romantic and sad.

Ruby looked at her father and told him it wasn't his fault. Troy sighed and told them he left something out. He told them why Jack Dark had killed Summer. Everyone went quite at this and Troy continued his dark past. He told them that when he had his humanity off he was a monster. He looked at his hands and corrected himself. He said that he was a monster with or without his humanity. Troy looked up at them and told them that vampires are monsters even if people don't want to believe it. 

He told them he was the worst kind of monster an Original vampire and werewolf hybrid. Two beings who by many would be called abominations. CFVY asked what he meant by Original. He answered there question and told him that he was the first vampire and he can't be killed. They told him that was impossible everything has a weakness. Troy told them they are right he had a weakness but it doesn't exist. Everyone asked what he meant.

Troy told them that he is from another world. In this world his mother casted a spell using a specific white oak tree. He told them that he had found many White oak trees in his life. They asked him if he found white oak trees wouldn't that mean he could die. Troy told them he had tried already. He told them he had tried killing himself with many White oak trees none of them worked. That is when he found out the truth of his immortality. He can be restrained for a time but he can't die. 

They all said that was too cruel. He told them it was his punishment and he accepted it a long time ago. Ruby was silent for a while when he was telling his story and finally decided to ask the ultimate question. She looked at her father and asked him what she was. Troy told her that she was human at the moment. Everyone wanted to know what he meant and told them he wouldn't say nothing more with them in the room. They all said they would keep the secret if it was that much of a big deal. 

Troy wouldn't budge and Ruby told her father to tell them. Troy said if anyone else knew the truth she could be in great danger. She said she trusted her friends. Troy sighed and told her it was her secret mainly. Troy asked a question that no one was suspecting. He asked Ruby if she trusted her Uncle Qrow. She was confused and told him she did. Troy got up and went to the dorm window. He opened it and saw a crow perched outside it. Troy told the crow to come inside and everyone looked at him like he was insane. 

They were even more shock when they saw the crow fly in the room. The crow proceeded to transform into Qrow. When he did this he grabbed a flask of alcohol out of his shirt and took a sip. He put it back and told Troy that he was always able to tell when he was by. Troy laughed and said the stench of magic was what gave him away. Qrow was instantly grabbed on to by Ruby. Ruby asked if he missed her. He laughed and told her nope while rubbing her head. Nora asked if anyone was going to comment that he was a bird. 

They all seemed to forget about that and Qrow turned the questions back to Troy. Troy sat back down and told them what Ruby was. After Ruby found out she was a Tribrid she started getting super excited. She started asking if she could do magic. She asked if she could run really fast or turn into a wolf. Troy told her to calm down and told her she technically could do magic if she knew spells or was in a extreme emotional state. 

She asked if Troy knew any spells and she was shot down. She started getting super gloomy saying she wanted to do magic. He laughed and told her to cheer up she was still a Tribrid. He left the part out of her silver eyes because he felt like she didn't need to know about that yet. She asked if she could turn into a wolf. Troy told her she couldn't until she took a life. She started freaking out saying she couldn't do that. 

Troy hugged her and told her he hopes she never has to worry about turning into a wolf. Blake decided to bump into the conversation and asked what would happen if Ruby killed him. Troy told her it would activate her wolf side and she technically wouldn't have permanently killed anyone. However, he didn't recommend it because if she killed him they would have a wild wolf roaming around with no one with the power to stop it. 

They all knew shuttered at the thought. Ruby said she couldn't do it anyway even if it wasn't permanent she couldn't kill her father. Pyhrra decided to ask about Ruby vampire side. Everyone looked over at Troy and saw he didn't want to answer. Ruby told him to answer and he quietly said she would have to die. They all went quiet and knew why Troy didn't want anyone to know the secret. Ruby said that she didn't care if she couldn't activate any of her Tribrid side. 

She was plenty strong without. She whispered to herself that it would have been cool though. Everyone heard her and sweat dropped. Troy clapped startling everyone and said that what they talked about doesn't leave the room. Troy looked at Qrow and told him not even to Ozpin. Qrow drinking his flask sensed the killing intent and agreed extremely fast. Troy told them that they should go to sleep and rest up for school. 

They all hadn't realized how late it was and agreed. Qrow jumped out the window turning into a bird and flying away. Everyone else weren't leaving and said that it was late and they might as well stay the night. Troy started arguing saying it wasn't a good idea. They all weren't listening and all camped out on the TIME dorm. Ruby hugged her father and asked if she could sleep with him.

Troy gave up and laid down with Ruby. Everyone fell asleep and Troy was just holding Ruby close. He was thinking that they all were too trusting even after telling them some of the worst things he did they still saw him as a friend. 

When he was thinking to himself he saw his dorm room open. His team walked in and saw everyone sleeping on the floor. Troy just quietly told him it was a long story and told them to forget it. They all shrugged and went to sleep on their beds. Troy eventually fell asleep glad that his secret was revealed.

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