The Love with a Rose

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STLQ had told Ozpin of the bloodbath and he first was shocked of the power of the werewolf. He asked if anyone saw the fight and everyone that did was dead or in the room. Ozpin said he would spin a story that a vampire was in town and took out the base. STLQ all nervously agreed with the story because it wasn't far from the truth. Troy was no longer in his wolf form so they were asked questions on where Lupis was. 

They said he was gone somewhere else and would be back later. Tai and Qrow did keep their distance from Troy because they were scared by him. Summer though got closer with Troy. They would spend almost every moment of the day with each other. Summer even started teaching Troy how to make some weapons. Troy and Summer would talk with each other's and Summer would want to learn about Troy's past.

 Troy wouldn't tell her much because it was a dark past. He didn't tell stories of when his humanity was off he avoided those. He did tell her that vampires had a humanity switch and it makes vampires turn dark if off. She asked the question he was dreading if he ever turned it off. He couldn't lie to her and told her it was off for almost a thousand years. She was shocked to hear that it was off for almost a thousand years and asked his age. 

He told her that he had lost count after thousand years. He didn't know why but Summer was the one person he opened up to and told her he wasn't from this world. He told her about his family and how he was forced to leave. He told her without him the vampires and werewolves wouldn't exist on this world. That was when she found out he was the original. He told her he has been alone for a millennium. That was why he stayed around in his wolf form. 

He couldn't turn his humanity back on and she did it for him so he couldn't bring himself to leave her. She hugged him and said he won't be alone as long as she was around. They stayed in the hug for a moment until they broke but still had each other in their arms. They looked at each other and went in for a kiss. Troy in all his years has never felt this way for anyone. Summer didn't know why this man who lied to her for over a year she was so attached to him.

 They were in the middle of the kiss when Qrow ran in. They broke apart and Qrow looked at them but said nothing. He told them Raven showed up with a baby and was in Ozpin office. Summer used her semblance and sped out of the room to go see her. Troy vamped after her to see Raven again. Summer was hugging Raven like she never left. 

Raven returned the hug awkwardly. Raven asked where Lupis was she wanted to see him. Ozpin and STQ were in the room looked at Troy. Raven saw this and was confused that they weren't answering and looking at a man. Troy rubbed the back of his neck and told her that Lupis was him and he was Lupis. He told her he was a werewolf.

 She was confused and didn't believe it because who would believe werewolves were real. Troy took of his shirt and turned into a werewolf. Raven saw the scene was super confused. She asked why he hid the truth from them. He went behind a couch in Ozpin office dragging his clothes and turned back. He got dress and said he didn't really know he couldn't bring himself to leave while taking a glance at Summer. Summer blushed and no one noticed but Troy.

 Raven sighed and said she wasn't one to talk because she lied for way longer then he had. She told Tai to take care of their daughter and took her sword out and cut open a portal. She walked through and the portal disappeared. Tai was holding his little  daughter in his hands and told them he was quitting to raise her. Everyone in the room understood and Tai walked out and went to pack his belongings.

 Ozpin looked toward Qrow and asked for him to do reconnaissance to find the fall maiden. Qrow went to the window and turned into a crow and flew out. Ozpin looked at Troy and Summer and dismissed then since he didn't have anything for them to do. Summer and Troy didn't know what they were so over the months they drew closer. Troy no longer had any relationship with Goodwitch because of Summer.

 Troy was back at the problem of needing blood. Troy couldn't bring himself to ask Summer. During the months they drew closer they officially became a couple. Troy and Summer hadn't brought it to the next level of the relationship for many months. Whenever they tried Summer would get to embarrassed and Troy didn't want to push her so he never went any further. Summer liked this about Troy. 

Tai had came around with his daughter who he named Yang every once in awhile. Qrow would visit but he started drinking ever since the team went there own ways. Summer and Troy hardly did anything for Ozpin because he never asked. A year of Summer and Troy relationship Summer never realized Troy would go drink animal blood. However, One night Summer woke up to Troy leaving and followed him. 

She had followed him into the woods and saw him vamp and kill a deer. He started drinking the deers blood and when he was drinking it he heard a stick breaking. He dropped the deer and vamp to where he heard the stick and grabbed his stalker by the throat. Troy found Summer and saw that she was scared. He let her go and asked what she was doing. 

She said she saw him leaving and wondered what he was doing. She followed him and found him hunting. She asked why he had to hunt. He told her if he didn't drink blood if he got to hungry if he even smelled blood he may attack without a second thought. She asked if he almost did that before. Troy looked away and told her he almost did one time. 

She asked the time and he told her one of the times she came out of the bathroom and he smelled blood coming from her. She was confused and she thought about anytime that happened. She then got red face and squeaked. She called Troy a pervert and he said it wasn't his fault he has enhanced smell. She then asked why he never asked her if he could drink blood. Troy told her he loved her to much for that.

 She started crying and jumped on him and kissed him not caring about the blood from the deer. Troy was taken back for a second then started kissing back. Troy held on to her and vamped hold her to their house. He brought her into their room and they started making out. They took the next step in their relationship that night. Summer had lost her virginity to Troy. She loved him with all her heart and even though she was embarrassed she still made love with him. They didn't realize at this time their love wasn't supposed to last.

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