The Hunt for Raven

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Troy had gone through many villages and towns looking for any information for the Branwen tribe. He went into a bar to get a drink and see if he could get information. He went in and asked for the best whiskey they got. He was told he didn't look old enough to drink. He threw his Id that he had to compel people to make. The bartender checked and was surprised it wasn't a fake. He was given the most expensive brand they had.

 He ended up just asking for the bottle. He put the lien on the table and started drinking. Ever since Summer died he would just drink a lot. He knew he could turn his humanity off but knew if he did he wouldn't try to get revenge and clear his past mistakes up. After drinking half the bottle he asked the bartender if he knew anything about the Branwen tribe. A few people who were drinking stopped and looked over at Troy.

 The bartender acted like he had a bad memory and Troy threw some Lien on the table. The bartender told him he was sitting next to a few members. He looked to the people sitting to his side and he loudly said, "finally I have been looking everywhere for you." The four Branwen tribe members started acting cocky and said he was looking for a death wish. Troy just laughed and told them gave up on that a long time ago.

 He told them they could do this the easy way or hard way. The Branwen tribe got angry at Troy and came after him. He just threw them through the bar door. He threw some more lien down and told the bartender it covers the door. Troy grabbed his whiskey bottle and walked out. He saw the members were shaken up and slowly getting up. He told them he just wanted to talk to their leader. They all looked at each other and nodded. 

They acted like the fight didn't happen and started leading the way. After coming to a clearing they all stopped and said, "end of the road tough guy." Troy was surrounded by a dozen Branwen tribe. He just sighed and chugged the last of his alcohol. They started rushing to him and he just used his Strength and speed to send a few into trees, knock out several of them, and held the final two by their throats.

 He told them he just wanted directions. They pointed off to a direction and told him it didn't matter he was dead when Raven found out. He dropped them and started walking and told them he doubted that he used to be a type of pet for her. He started taking off his clothes and put them in a bag he was carrying. He turned into his wolf form and bit the strap of the bag and started running to the direction he was pointed to.

 The final two members of the Branwen tribe had heard a few stories of a man that could turn into a wolf who lived with Raven when she was at Beacon. They looked at each other and said at the same time "we're dead." Troy found the camp and the guards were laughing saying looks like they were having wolf tonight.

 They came at Troy but he just ignored then and vamped wolf behind them and kept walking into camp. They didn't noticed the wolf was in the camp before it was too late. He was already in the middle of the camp in front of Raven tent. Troy dropped his bag and howled which made Raven come out to check the commotion. She came out with a mask on and she saw Troy in his wolf form.

She told her tribe to go back to what they were doing and waved for Troy to follow her

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She told her tribe to go back to what they were doing and waved for Troy to follow her. She went into her tent and Troy followed. When he went inside she told him to change back and put some clothes on. He went behind her table she had in the middle of her room and changed back. He went into his bag and grabbed the outfit he was wearing earlier. 

He put it on and asked Raven if he got a hug. She took off her mask and looked at him and told him he knows she was never one for affection. He teased her and told her that didn't stop her from hugging his wolf form when she left. She remembered that and told him fine and hugged him. She hugged him then pushed him away asking why he was here and not with Summer and his daughter. 

Troy decided to tell her what happened and that he was looking for all the vampires enemies he made. He didn't tell her he was a hybrid just he made enemies. She hadn't heard of Summer death and cried. She told him she didn't know she had been busy these last few months or she would have went and found him right away. Troy told her it wasn't her fault it was his. He asked her if she had any information about vampires whereabouts.

 She said she heard that all vampires are in clans and are fighting each other. There is a clan in each kingdom. That made Troy job much easier because it put all his enemies in four different places. He asked for a map and she went away and came back with a map of each kingdom with the area suspected of being vampire clans. He told her thanks and went to leave. 

She stopped him and told him rest for the night they could have some time catching up. He told her he could for a night that was it because it was going to take many years to clear out the vampires. During his stay with Raven and the tribe threw a party that night for no particular reason. Raven told him that the tribe would throw parties for any reason just to get drunk. Troy perked up at the thought of drinking. 

That night he became acquainted with the hardcore drinkers of the tribe. They all challenged him to a drinking contest. Over the millennium he has been alive he needs to drink a lot to get drunk. He had went through a dozen of the Branwen Tribe members destroying all of them. He had drunk many barrels of alcohol and managed to black out after while. The next morning he woke up in Raven tent sleeping with her. 

She was naked under the covers and he was naked as well. Troy didn't know how it happened but he wasn't ready yet after Summers death. He put his head into his hands and just thought to himself he had made a mistake. Raven woke up and saw that he was up. She saw they were naked and when she got up she could hardly walk. Raven didn't know either how they had ended up in the bed together but it was obvious what they did. 

She got dressed and went and sat next to Troy. She awkwardly started the conversation and told Troy she hadn't planned this. Troy told her it fine it could have been worse. Raven was offended and smacked Troy. She said even if she may not be as good as Summer you shouldn't say that to a woman. She started limping away and Troy grabbed her wrist and stopped her. She told him to let go of her wrist. Troy told her he didn't mean it by worse in as sleeping with her he met worse as he could have killed someone.

Raven looked at him questionably and asked what he meant. He told her the last time he got drunk like that he woke up in a bar with bodies everywhere. Raven didn't say anything about him killing people and told him he was forgiven and she was sorry for smacking him. 

He let her go and said it was fine he deserve it anyway. She saw he was hurting and hugged him. She told him it wasn't his fault what happened to Summer even if he made enemies and it came back to hurt him. She said it was the person who killed Summer fault not his. He hugged Raven and told her he didn't see it that way. Troy compelled her before be left so she couldn't let the secret be known that Ruby was his child.

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