The Return to Beacon

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Troy, Ruby, and Yang were on there way to Beacon. Yang was happy that her sister was going to Beacon with her. She was saying everyone was going to think she was the bees knees. Ruby started pouting saying she didn't want to be the bees knees. She wanted to be a normal girl with normal knees. Yang saw her sister was upset and wanted to know why her sister wasn't happy. Ruby told her she was but she didn't want to be special.

 Yang to her she was special. Troy thought to himself that Ruby was more special than anyone knows. Ruby and Yang was interrupted by a broadcast by Goodwitch. Goodwitch was welcoming everyone to Beacon and that they were suspecting the best of the students at Beacon. Everyone on the ship made a commotion and started looking out the window. Ruby and Yang joined them and we're enjoying the view. 

They were interrupted by someone with blond hair holding in vomit. Ruby noticed vomit had gotten on Yang's shoe. Yang started hobbling around and Ruby told her to get away. Troy just sighed and waited for the ship to land. When the ship landed the blond hair boy ran out and threw up in the trash. Ruby, Yang, Troy all walked out and started heading into Beacon. Ruby was seeing everyone with there weapons and started fan fueling. 

Her sister pulled her back before she went and attacked someone to see there weapon. Yang told her they just weapons. Ruby got offended and see they were extensions of themselves. Yang asked why she didn't admire her weapon didn't she like it. Ruby brought her weapon out and started hugging if say she did just she like seeing other ones.  Yang told her sister she needed to make some friends.

 Ruby said she didn't need friends when she had her sister and Troy. Yang started backing up and told her sister her friends just showed up and she would see her later. She abandoned her sister so fast that Ruby didn't know what to do. She spun around and ended up falling backwards. Troy saw this and caught her. She still happened to fall back enough and knocked into another person's luggage. The person was Weiss Schnee. 

Weiss got angry and Ruby and told her she was carrying around very dangerous dust. Ruby picked up one of her luggage trying to say sorry. Weiss grabbed the luggage and took out dust. she started shaking the dust in Ruby face causing some to almost caused her to sneeze. Troy grabbed her by her hood and pulled her back away from the dust. Troy told her to stop Ruby said she was sorry. Troy informed her she almost caused an explosion shaking dust around. 

Weiss acted offended and asked if they knew who she was. Troy told her he did and didn't carry doesn't give her a right to act above everyone else. Ruby got back in the argument and yelled that she was sorry and called Weiss a princess. A girl with black hair wearing a black bow came up and mentioned it was heiress. The girl mentioned it was "Weiss Schnee Heiress to the Schnee dust company one of the largest producers of energy repellant in the world" Weiss was happy she was getting recognize. 

The girl finished what she was saying and added "the same company infamous for their controversial labor forces and questionable business partners." Weiss was offended and walked away while her butlers picked up her luggage. Troy couldn't help but laugh at her misfortune while Ruby yelled sorry at her. Troy noticed the black hair girl was walking away and ran after her. He ran after her and told her that was a hardcore burn she did to Weiss. 

She said she was just stating facts. Troy reached his hand out and introduced himself. The girl shook his hand and said it name was Blake Belladonna. Troy couldn't help himself and asked why she was hiding her Faunus heritage. Blake got scared and asked how he knew. He told her he had a strong sense of smell and smelled a cat coming off her and saw her ears twitch.

 She begged him not to tell anyone. Troy felt bad for her and decided to tell her a little about himself. He told her a little about his family how his mother cheated on his stepfather and when he found out tried killing him. Blake asked how his stepfather could do that. He said he never found out he ran away and his family doesn't even know he exists. Blake wanted to know more about his past. Troy told her if she wanted to know more he would tell her another time. 

Troy started walking away back to Ruby. Blake stopped him and said it wasn't right for his father to do that. He told her he got over it a long time ago. When Troy found Ruby she was talking to a blond hair boy. The first thing Troy asked if he was the boy who vomited on the bullhead. The boy look dejected and introduced himself as Jaune Arc he said it was "short sweet and rolls of the tongue and ladies love it." 

Troy looked at Ruby and asked her what she thought. Ruby said it was a nice name but she wouldn't say she loved it. Troy looked at Jaune and said point made. Jaune looked dejected and said his mom liked it. Troy laughed and Jaune and said he was joking with him. He wrapped his arms around Jaune neck like old pals and whispered if he ever wanted to get a girlfriend the way he introduce himself scrap it. 

He then whispered in his ear even quieter so Ruby wouldn't hear, he told him that Ruby was off limits and if he tried they wouldn't find the body. Jaune nervously laughed and told him he understood. Ruby commented how they seemed like they were going to be great friends. Jaune nervously laughed and agreed while Troy just smiled. Ruby didn't know what to say next and pulled out her weapon. Jaune freaked out and asked if that was a scythe. She said it was also a customizable high impact sniper rifle. 

Jaune looked confused and said, "what now?" Troy leaned in and told him it was also a gun. Jaune said that wasn't possible and waved Troy off. Ruby said it was and cocked her weapon. Jaune said sorry he didn't believe it. Ruby asked what he had and Jaune pulled out a sword and a collapsible shield. Ruby asked if it did anything else. Jaune looked even more dejected and said that was it.

 Ruby cheered him up and said she liked it and that no one has respects for the classics. Ruby asked where they were going and Jaune looked around and said he was following Ruby and he didn't know. They started getting nervous because they knew the coronation ceremony was starting soon. Troy sighed and grabbed ahold of both of them and vamped to the coronation building. Ruby wanted to know how he did that while Jaune was trying to hold vomit in. 

Troy just smirked at Ruby and said he may tell her one day. Ruby was begging for Troy to tell her and he wouldn't. Troy was saved by Yang calling Ruby and Troy over. Jaune who was better after the vamping looked dejected after Ruby ran over to her sister. He asked where he was going to find a nice quirky girl around here. Troy looked back to Jaune and saw a red hair girl looking at him. 

Troy walked over to Jaune and turned him around and pushed him toward the red hair girl. Troy told Jaune that he only had to look around and told him to have fun. The red hair girl looked at him and Troy winked at her. She mouthed thank you to him, and Troy waved and walk over to Yang and Ruby. When Troy got over he saw Ruby was getting yelled at by Weiss again. Weiss asked if Ruby wanted to make up what happened this morning  to her.

 Ruby told he she did and she was really sorry. Weiss pushed a Schnee dust safety manual to her and told her to read it and never talk to her again. When Weiss walked away Troy told Ruby that could have gone better. Ruby glared at him and said it was his fault and Yang's faults. Troy flinched at her glare remembering Summer and asked what he did wrong he didn't abandon her. Yang chipped it and say she was just trying to break Ruby out of her shell. 

Troy was saved by Ozpin starting his speech. Ozpin told everyone they would rest tonight in the ball and tomorrow they would have initiation in the morning. Ozpin finished his speech and walked off the stage. Troy realized his team wouldn't be able to join if it was in the morning. He told Ruby and Yang he would meet them later and went to talk to Ozpin. Troy found Ozpin walking to his office. 

Ozpin before Troy even mentioned anything told him not to worry about his team. Ozpin said they would have their initiation at night. Troy told Ozpin his thanks and realized his team should be showing up soon. Troy went outside in front of Beacon and saw his team walking up to the grounds. He told them that no feeding was to be done on the students. They said they couldn't even if they wanted to thanks to his compulsion.

 Troy laughed and said true but wanted to let them know. He lead them to the ballroom to see everyone settling down. Troy told his team to find dark areas so they wouldn't have to worry about the sun. Troy walked over to Ruby and Yang who was talking to Blake. Blake saw him and asked if they could finish there conversation. Troy saw she had a book and asked if she didn't want to get back to the book. 

She threw the book in her bag and said she didn't have a book. Yang and Ruby were curious what Blake was talking about if she put her book away. Troy told them another time they had to get rest for tomorrow. That was when Weiss came over asking what the noise was about. Weiss said people were trying to sleep and they needed to be quite. Yang and Weiss started getting in an argument, while Ruby tried quieting them down. Blake sighed and blew out her candle next to her blacking out the room.

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