Initiation into Beacon

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Troy was hanging out on the pillars of the ballroom in the middle of the night. He couldn't sleep because he was thinking of his previous time and Beacon. He also was debating to himself if he should tell Ruby the truth. His team couldn't sleep either and went out hunting some animal blood. Troy had told them they had a separate initiation then everyone else so they decided to go get some blood to prepare. 

They asked Troy if getting blood from bloodbanks was fine and he told them as long as they didn't get caught it was fine. This made it easier for the vampires to keep their strength up. Troy didn't have to worry about this, but vampires who live on animal blood lose some of their strength. Troy's team was happy they could still drink human blood because they could barely handle animal blood.

 Troy had fallen asleep for an hour when he was woken up by a loud girl trying to wake her friend up. Troy sighed to himself and hopped down from the scaffolding. Troy looked around for his team and saw they were in one of the dark corners of the room out of the path of sunlight. Troy decided to go talk to them and get them somewhere safer. Troy noticed that everyone was either waking up or leaving to get ready.

 He grabbed his team and ran them in one of the back rooms of the ballroom. He did it fast enough so the sun wouldn't hurt them much. They were a little mad at Troy but they didn't want to get him mad so they just told him to warn them next time. He laughed at them and told them sorry. He decided to go watch the initiation. Troy had seen everyone was ready and walking to the cliff that was outside Beacon. 

He saw Ozpin and Goodwitch talking to the students telling them what they were supposed to do. Ruby hadn't noticed him walking up and saw he wasn't there yet. She pointed this out to Ozpin and he pointed at Troy walking over. He told her that he would be watching but not be participating in this initiation. Ruby was confused and Ozpin told her he would answering her questions later. 

He started launching students and Jaune was asking if parachutes were given. Ozpin told him he had to make his own landing strategy. Troy was laughing to himself because Jaune looked terrified at the thought of free-falling. Jaune was about to ask another question before he was launched. Jaune luckily was saved by Pyrrha Nikos. Troy commented on her crazy accuracy. Ozpin just drank his coffee watching his scroll. 

Goodwitch commented on she didn't think Jaune was ready for becoming a huntsman. Everyone eventually grouped up at the relic temple. They encountered a Deathstalker and a Nevermore. Ruby and her team(Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang RWBY) managed to work to decapitated the Nevermore. Jaune and his team(Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren JNPR) managed to use the deathstalker own stinger to kill their enemy.
A/n: I got lazy and if you want to know everything that happens watch the anime I didn't change anything.
Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Ozpin assigning teams
After all the teams were formed Ozpin had announced that there is one more team that will be formed and because of circumstances they couldn't take the initiation this morning. He told them to not show favouritism a second initiation will be shown tonight and if anyone wants to watch it they are free too or can celebrate in there dorms for getting into Beacon. 

A few teams decided to skip the initiation but RWBY and JNPR decided to watch it because they were Troy's friends. That night Troy and his team were on the cliff getting ready to be launched. JNPR and RWBY was curious on why Troy and his team needed a second initiation. Ozpin said it wasn't his secret to tell and his lips were sealed. The two teams tried asking Troy what the secret was but Troy didn't budge.

He only told them that he would tell them in the future he just wanted them to be open-minded for when they find out. They let it go but said they would if it was that important. Troy did say maybe they can find out by keeping an eye on them. Ozpin then told them he was launching them. Troy told his team to make the initiation look good. They all smirked at each other and we're launched. That night team RWBY and JNPR that even Grimm experience fear. 

When the initiation started it was slow. Hardly any Grimm was seen that all changed when the four participants made it to the temple. The participants all complained to each other that there wasn't any worthy challenge. They grabbed their relics and started making there way to the cliff. When they were leaving the temple they were ambushed by Grimm. There were two Deathstalkers, two Nevermores, and two dozen Beowolves. RWBY and JNPR thought the participants were going to die. 

They were begging Ozpin to help them. Ozpin told them to watch the fight. They all nervously were watching the initiation. They saw that the four participants were talking to each other. Troy and his team were deciding which enemies they each would take care of. Troy decided on taking care of a Deathstalker and a Nevermore, Issac said he would handle the other ones. Erin and Malcolm told them they would take care of the Beowolves. 

Troy started the fight by using his vamp to get under his Deathstalker. He used all his strength to punch the bottom of the Deathstalker. This propelled it into the air. Troy jumped up and landed on top of the Deathstalker. Troy proceeded to rip the tail off the Deathstalker and repeatedly stab into the Deathstalker with it. He did this all while the Deathstalker was in the air. This got him close enough to one of the Nevermores. 

Troy threw the Deathstalker tail like a Javelin which tore through the Nevermore like butter. Troy jumped off the Deathstalker and dusted off his hands and proceeded to watch his teammates. He saw that Issac played his opponents and baited the Nevermore to throw it's feathers into the Deathstalker. This gave him enough time to grab one of the feather and stab it into of the Deathstalker eyes killing it instantly. 

Issac started using the other feathers of the Nevermore and throwing them like javelins into the Nevermore. He turned the Nevermore into a porcupine. Erin and Malcolm were slaughtering the Beowolves with pure strength. They would just rip of the Beowolves limbs and use them as weapons. Troy had noticed a few Beowolves shaking seeing the fight. They started running away but Erin or Malcolm wouldn't allow them to run. 

They would vamp and get in front of the runaway Grimm and proceed to turn them finish them off. Ozpin had suspected the fight to be easy to Troy and his team but he didn't suspect this. He was so shocked he dropped his coffee mug on the ground shattering it. RWBY and JNPR were to shocked to even say anything. They had trouble taking out one Nevermore and one Deathstalker but Troy and his team did it like it was nothing.

 After, the massacre of the Grimm Troy and his team grouped up. Erin, Malcolm, and Issac were disappointed they couldn't have more fun. Troy told them that they should all finish the initiation and all of them vamped to the cliff. They got there and saw everyone to shocked to even notice their presence and we're looking at their scrolls. Troy called out to them causing them all to jump. After, they saw it was Troy and his team they all were instantly bombarded with questions by RWBY and JNPR. 

They all just nervously avoided questions that revealed what they were. Ozpin got everyone attention and decided to officially assign the team name. He said "Troy Mikaelson, Issac Hide, Malcolm Maze, and Erin Kines you will form team TIME lead by Troy." It was getting late so Ozpin told them they should all rest up for classes tomorrow.

 While everyone was walking back he told his team they didn't have to worry about every class just the fighting one. They were happy to know they didn't have to stay through the horrible lectures. TIME had officially been accepted into Beacon. Unknown to Troy a certain Black cat was suspecting what TIME was hiding.

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