Happy Times Don't Last Forever

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Lupis had grown fond of team STRQ. He had learned quite a bit about them. The team still hadn't found out he was a werewolf so they would talk secrets around him not realizing their dark secrets were being revealed. Lupis has learned that the true reason behind Raven and Qrow joining Beacon was to learn to kill huntsmen and huntresses.

 They occasionally would look at him while they were talking and he just sat their staring at them. Lupis didn't care about their reasons because he still was enjoying his time with them. He felt it was going to end one day when he heard Raven on the Scroll. He learned she was going to leave since graduation was coming anyway. He knew this would break the team because for one she was pregnant with a child from Tai. 

It got awkward when they were having fun alone in the dorm when Lupis was in there. He would always howled at them and went to the door. They would laugh at this and send him away and would have fun. He learned that she was going to disappear after graduation and return to her tribe. Lupis tried persuading her not to go by showing her affection like a wounded wolf. He would go up to her and whimper whenever she would have these calls.

 She would always apologize and tell him she just couldn't trust Ozpin. She did link her semblance with Lupis. Lupis wasn't for sure what was happening when she did it though. He found out what she did after by her showing him. The days were flying by and Lupis was wondering if he would be staying with Summer. She was the whole reason he was with STRQ anyway. 

He was always attached to Summer and they have grown closer. She would always rest with him and started treating him more like a dog so she tried getting him to play fetch and do tricks. He was hesitant for a long while because it hurt his pride. Lupis saw that Summer was upset whenever he didn't do the tricks and did the tricks only for Summer. 

He would ignore anyone else. Summer just told anyone he was very prideful and hates the tricks and only does them for her. Not even other members of STRQ could get him to do tricks. People could pet him but no tricks. Lupis was thinking of when his vampire urges were growing to much and he almost attacked Summer. 

Lupis was in team STRQ dorm and TRQ all were busy. Summer was in the bathroom taking a shower. He had been growing hungrier by the day for blood but he was fighting it so he could spend time with Summer. She came out of the bathroom in her uniform and Lupis smelt something sweet coming from her. He went up to her and sniffed her. 

Summer was confused because Lupis never did this. She was wondering what was different. Lupis eventually realized what it was and almost lunged at her. He knew the smell anywhere it was blood. He quickly stopped smelling her and turned away and bit down hard on his tongue.

If his body wasn't immuned from being ripped apart his tongue would have been bit off. Lupis started drinking his own blood. Lupis went to the door of the room and Summer opened it for him. Lupis vamp wolf away into the forest. Lupis rushed and found a deer. He attacked the deer and drank every drop of blood from it.
(This was very awkward to write many people can probably infer what he was smelling.)

Lupis knew he needed a supply of blood or next time he wouldn't be able to hold himself back. Lupis walked back to beacon and that was when he was stopped by Goodwitch. She had brought him to her room and asked for him to change back. He changed and was now Troy. She started off calling him Lupis because he had never told her his name. 

He stopped her and told him his name. She called him his name and asked if the offer stood with him letting her see more of him. He walked over to her and grabbed her chin still naked so she blushed even harder more than she already was. He told her it did but she would have to tell him what she wanted. She very weakly said she wanted him to make love to her. 

He said she was too quiet and she need to repeat. She got her barings and told him she wanted him to make love to her. He smirked and leaned in and said she only need to ask. Throughout the night Goodwitch lost her virginity and started a friend with benefits relationship with Troy. She asked him after it was done if she made love with a wolf or a human. Troy just told her neither for he wasn't human or a wolf. This was when he told her what he was. This got her worried because she heard stories of the vampires. 

She asked if he was waiting for the right moment to attack. He laughed and told her he wasn't planning on attacking and never even thought about it. He did tell her his dilemma of not having enough blood every once in awhile. She told him that if they could continue this relationship he could drink from her. Troy was shocked that someone would offer themself to a vampire. Troy told her many would run the first chance they got from a vampire why would she offer herself. She just smiled and cuddled up to him say he wasn't a bad vampire.

Troy thought about his almost 1000 years on the planet with his humanity off and the people he killed. Troy moved Goodwitch off of him and got up he looked into her eyes and used compulsion so she couldn't say anything about him being a hybrid. He thanked her but told her he had to go. 

She smiled at him and said what about the offer and said he would gladly accept but wanted her to know that he wasn't a good vampire for he has made more mistakes that many would call him a monster. She looked at him confused and he got up leaving her room and transforming into a wolf. He made his way back to STRQ dorm and Summer was a mix between mad and relieved and chewed him out while he just sat there listening. He just kept thinking to himself he didn't deserve his happiness he has found. 

Flashback end )
Lupis was dreading graduation day because that was when he knew STRQL would fall apart. Graduation day came and every third year at beacon was estatic for officially becoming huntsman and huntresses. Ozpin was handing out the licenses himself. After what felt like ages for Lupis it was finally STRQ turn. 

Team STRQ were handed their licenses and that was the end of the ceremony. It went to the after party next. Everyone was celebrating and STQ was no exception. Unknown to them the R in their team Raven was packing her bags and leaving. Raven was leaving Beacon and took one last look at Beacon she saw Lupis watching her. She went over to him and crouched down and started petting his ears. 

Raven told him that they would see each other again she just knew it. If she ever wished she is just a portal away. She told him she would be back after the baby is born to give the baby to Tai because she knew she wouldn't be a good mom. She weakly smiled at Lupis and asked for Lupis to protect over the others for she knew they would constantly get into trouble. Lupis nodded his head at Raven and she hugged him. 

Lupis was surprised because Raven wasn't one to show physical affection at most she would pet him but this was her first official hug to him. Raven held the hug for a moment and let go of Lupis. She gave him a note for the rest of the team and asked Lupis to give the note to them when he sees them. She got up and told him that she had to go before someone noticed she was missing.

 She walked away while Lupis stayed staring at her. She turned around and waved at Lupis and then she turned and ran. Lupis looked down and he could be seen shedding tears. The team he grew attached to was officially disbanded. He cried by himself for a time until Summer found him. Summer saw that Lupis was whimpering and crying. She got worried thinking he was hurt. She rushed over to him and started frantically searching him for wounds. 

Lupis looked at her and the note he held under his paw he slid it to her. Summer took the note and read it. It told them that Raven secretly was apart of a tribe and the whole reason she joined Beacon was to learn how to kill Huntsman and Huntresses. The note said she couldn't trust Ozpin because he always seems like he hides something. 

He also uses people for his own gain trying to enslave them. Talking about the cursed that was put on her brother and her that turned them into birds and how it's was supposed to be like a collar. She even talked about the time he tried to collar Lupis when he protected Summer. Summer started crying and her tears fell on the note as she read. Tai and Qrow showed up to see Summer crying. 

They asked her why she was crying and she handed them the note. They read and we're hurt at the betrayal. Tai was heartbroken because the woman he loved ran away and Qrow was upset because his sister betrayed the one man who treated them like family and gave them a purpose. Lupis knew that STRQ would never be the same.

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