The Vampire that Hunts Vampires

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Troy had left the Branwen tribe and started on his hunt. His first Target was Vacuo. Troy didn't want to take any public transport because he wanted time to think. It took him three years to travel to Vacuo. When he had got there he decided to make an interesting into the vampire compound. The guards that were protecting the compound he staked them and used there bodies and threw them through the door.

 He used enough strength that the door was thrown off the hinges. The vampires were throwing a party and when the doors were busted down they all got into a fighting position. Troy walked through the door and loudly yelled the maker has returned. The vampires were fearful because they didn't know why Troy had came back and it was obvious he was angry. Troy told them they had a choice he took a coin out of his pocket. 

He told them whoever picks up the coin will serve him and will live. However, there is only one coin. He threw the coin down and told them whoever has the coin last will serve him it doesn't matter who picks it up first. All the vampires looked at each other and a bloodbath started. A few vampires tried running but we're always stopped by Troy. He would just kill them to show that wasn't allowed. 

The fight lasted all night and when it finished a vampire that went by the name Isaac Hide was left standing. He picked up the coin covered while being covered in blood. He walked over to Troy and kneeled. Troy grabbed ahold of him and compelled him so Issac could never betray him or hunt humans or Faunus anymore and had to get permission without compelling to drink blood or drink animal blood. 

Issac ended up becoming Troy's lackey. Troy told him they had three more clans to take care of. Troy made sure no one was hiding and when he found a few cowards he quickly dispatched them. Troy and Issac made the long journey to the Mistral kingdom next. Three years later they were in Mistral. Mistral was very similar but Troy let Issac handle the run aways while he watched the fight. Troy was watching the battle and was very impressed by a female vampire.

 She would use every trick in the book to kill the other vampires. She would use decapitation, staking, ripping hearts out, and just pure fighting instincts. She seemed very in sync with her instincts. She seemed to know when she was being flanked and would handle it accordingly. It was no surprise that she was the last one standing. When she picked up the coin she went and kneeled down to Troy. 

When she was compelled by Troy, she didn't even show fear that she was going to die. She said her name was Erin Kines. The three of them made there way to Atlas next. Three years later in Atlas for being the most advance kingdom the three of them were appalled at the sight of the kingdom. It seemed like the part of Atlas that was on the ground was neglected. They knew that the vampires they were looking for was in the floating city part of Atlas.

 Troy compelled an Atlas ship to fly them up to the city. When they were walking around Atlas they had seen a white hair girl crying alone in the park. Seeing the girl cry Troy remembered his daughter. He went over to the girl and kneeled down to her. She was scared at first but she saw the concern on Troy's face. Troy asked why she was crying alone. 

She said that her father had just told her mother the reason he married her was for the Schnee family name. On her 15th birthday of all days. (I believe this happened in the anime on her tenth birthday but I'm putting this so people can see how much time has past. By the way Ruby is 13 at this time.) Troy saw that she was hurting deeply so he compelled her. He told her that she would go off and make a name for herself in three years. 

She wouldn't let her family name shape her. He compelled her to forget this encounter with him. Troy heard someone call out the girl that went by the name Weiss. He looked over and saw another girl with white hair and before she noticed he was their he vamped away. Troy stayed and watched from afar the woman walk to Weiss. When Weiss saw her older sister she hugged her and said her name Winter. Weiss told Winter she is going to do what Winter and distance herself from the Schnee name.

 Winter smiled and hugged her and said that was a smart choice. Troy walked away and started looking for the Vampire clan in the city with his vampire companions. Troy found the clan in a high end area. Troy knew this was going to be noisy. He staked the guards and threw them through the doors. The vampires were feasting on human and Faunus alike. 

He gave the same choice he did the other clans and threw a coin. The clan knew they didn't stand a choice against the Original vampire who created them. They all started the bloodbath while Troy watched. He had Issac and Erin take care of runaways. He watched the fight and wasn't impressed by anyone and just watched. The final person was left and grabbed the coin and kneeled. He introduced himself as Jim Dark. 

Troy remembered Jack Dark and asked if he was related to him in anyway. Jim told him it was his brother. Troy just activated his eyes and said blame your brother for your death then. He proceeded to bite into Jim and so he couldn't try and run away starting a panic in Atlas, Troy ripped of his legs. He told Erin and Issac to follow him. They all made the three year long journey to the place Troy was least wanting to go back to Vale. 

After making it to Vale Troy was impressed on how many vampires were in the clan. It was by far the most vampires he seen in all three clans. He entered the same way and gave them all a choice again. The bloodbath started and Troy watched. Issac and Erin took care of the runaways. After the bloodbath one stood standing and he kneeled to Troy.

 He introduced himself as Malcolm Maze. Troy compelled him to be his eternal companion. When he finished Erin told Troy one vampire had escape. Troy told them to search for them. Troy left the building and started to track the runaway vampire. He was on it's trail and he smelled a familiar smell. He smelled the vampire scent leading to the familiar scent.

 He started following it and found a teenage girl getting attacked by a man with orange hair in a hat. He was using a can type weapon. Troy looked back at the girl and after having a second glance at her he saw she looked a lot like Summer. She had black hair with red tips and silver eyes. She wore a red cloak similar to how Summer wore white. Troy knew who the girl was right away it was his daughter Ruby. 

The man with orange hair told her it was fun but he had to go. He pointed his cane at her and shot a explosive at Ruby. Ruby wasn't going to dodge in time. Troy used his vamp speed and managed to push her out of the way and took a direct hit. The hit propelled him back and Ruby didn't know what happened. She looked at where the explosion was and saw that someone was now pushed into the wall of the dust shop. 

She ran over and asked if he was okay. Troy just got up and dusted himself off. He told her it didn't even hurt. Ruby looked around and saw the man with orange hair climbing up a ladder. She looked at the owner of the dust shop who came out and asked if she could go after him. She used her semblance and managed to catch up to him. Troy ended up following her he got on the roof they were at and saw the orange hair man in a bullhead. 

Ruby was shooting her weapon at the bullhead and a person was blocking it with her hand. Another person showed up and Troy recognized Goodwitch. She started using her semblance attacking the bullhead. The person in the bullhead threw explosive fire attack. It landed around Ruby. Goodwitch protected her from the explosion. In that time the bullhead ran away. Ruby got super excited and was asking for Goodwitch autograph. 

Goodwitch saw Troy and remembered him she still acted professional and said that she needed to take them in for questioning. Troy sniffed the air and realized that the vampire he was hunting was close. He told them to give him a moment and vamped away. He found the vamp hiding in the alleys. He saw a wooden chair that was thrown out. He went over and broke a piece of making a stake. 

He told him the vamp he was lucky he didn't attack anyone or the death would have been more painful. He stabbed the stake through the vamp heart causing him to turn to ash. He vamped back on to the roof to see them still there. Ruby started asking if his speed was his semblance. She started saying he had a semblance similar to hers. Troy laughed and told her there was much more to her semblance than she thought. Ruby looked confused and Goodwitch said they needed to go.

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