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Mariana Pov:
It's been months since the car accident that occured with me Jesus and Carter. Carter still was in the hospital she was stable but didn't open hers eyes she was breathing normally and everything but I guess she wasn't ready to open her eyes. Jesus was at the hospital everyday holding her hand talking to her as if she would magically wake up Doctors said it would at least be a few more months before she would move or do anything. I wasn't giving up nor was I getting my hopes up for Carter waking up. I had just got out of school and it was my turn watching Carter until Jesus got done with wrestling practice which Emma joined as well something about Emma being with Jesus doesn't sit right with me.

"Hey sweetie anything." Mama said

"No just sitting here in my thoughts." I said looking down at my fingernails, This was taking a toll on our family as a whole. We missed Carter at the dinner table and Movie Nights we missed her smile and contagious laugh filling up the dining room.

I don't think Jesus would definitely take it anymore if Carter didn't wake up in a few months he would go mad or worse. Me and Mama was quiet until we saw Jesus run through the doors out of breath

"Bubba slow down. What happened?" Mama said wiping the sweat off Jesus forehead

"Nothing Practice ended early so I thought I could come see Carter to see if anything changed." He said bending over with his hands on his knee trying to catch his breath.

"No bubba nothing changed she still hasn't woke up or moved." Mama said rubbing Jesus back

We sat in silence until doctor knocked on the door and asked for Mama

"She gonna wake up right Mariana." Jesus said holding Carter hand

I honestly didn't know how to answer that question because I was also worried Carter wouldn't wake up. Something that we all feared would happened.

The drive back home was awkward and quiet between Mama and Jesus and me no one said a word and we were scared if we did something would be said wrong. I wondered what mama and the doctor talked about in the hospital she didn't seem happy after the conversation. We arrived home and I heard mama and mom arguing in the room. I ignored it and went in my room putting on headphones and falling asleep. The next morning I went downstairs and the house couldn't get anymore quieter usually Carter is here to break this awkward silence but there goes that.

"Hey guys we would like to have a family meeting in the living room." Mama said the way she said meant something was wrong either somebody was sick or someone has died we huddled into the living room on the couch I was next to Callie and Jude was next to Jesus Brandon was  at school already.

"So we have some good news and bad news." Mama said

"Good news first." I said

"We decided to adopt Callie and Jude into our family." Mama said with a smile we all cheered and hugged Jude and Callie celebrating they were becoming part of the family but when I looked at mom's face the smiles disappeared and it was the bad news.

"The hospital reached out to Carter foster father but got no answer, They left two choices up to us due us always at the hospital checking on her." Mama Stef said choking up on tears she was holding back

"What is it?" Jesus said

"Well one is we could wait it out ya know until she comes back from the coma they call it but she could lose her memories of all of us and only remember certain scenarios or we could cut the cord because Doctors don't see any improvements from Carter in months its like she giving up they said." Mama Lena said crying rubbing Mama back I turned to look at Jesus face and it had no expression at all which was bad because we didn't know if he was upset, mad, or angry.

"What... there's... There's no good option in neither one of those." Jesus said lowly and I knew the tears were coming next

"Bubba I know but we must make a decision together as a family." Mama said

"You want me to chose to lose the love of my life or kill her.... both choices are wrong..." He said his face full of tears I couldn't help but cry as well Carter wasn't just Jesus girlfriend to me she was like a sister a best friend when i needed one a shoulder to cry. Carter had so much on her shoulders but still carried on helping others. I grabbed Jesus hand and he yanked it away and walked out the door I couldn't blame him he was going through so much as teenager life was suppose to be fun hanging out with friends laughing enjoying the beach but he had to choose a life regretting decision for Carter.

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