When The Party's Over

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All I heard was the gun go off. All I could do was think of Jesus he was risking his life saving me more important Emma. I could think I could talk I walk over to see Jesus's body laying on the rock on top of a alive Emma. She smirked and talked but I could hear any words I could only see her mouth move the tears ran down my eyes as I saw the blood rush out of Jesus body.

"Everyone you make a promise with dies." Emma words finally hit me I looked up at her She was laughing

"Look at your brother... look at your boyfriend dead... dead because of you Carter you can't protect anyone you only cause pain and hurt... you pushed me this far if you would've just left Jesus would've been fine he would've been alive." She said

"No it's not true... I didn't kill him... I loved him." I cried my heart was breaking first my brother and now Jesus I could live with my brother but Jesus made it better now he's gone too I didn't know how I was going to live

"You know what to do." Emma said handing me a knife

I looked at the knife and looked down at my wrist covered in cuts from the previous time. Tears fell down my face I knew this was the right thing to do I couldn't live without Jesus or Jack it was time to join them. I got on my knees and swiped the knife across my arm watching the blood drip

"Yes I'm finally getting my wish... die Carter... Die.." Emma yelled

My finally tears escaped my eyes and I knew I was dying I felt the familiar feeling before but this time no one was here to save me No Jesus No Stef No Jack I was going to die. I got up and walked over to the curb of the building I looked back at Jesus lifeless body. I turned and jumped off the building.

"Ahhhh!!!" I screamed I was alive I grabbed my body and looked around a unfamiliar room I was confused where was I why wasn't I dead..

"Carter mmmm what's wrong." A voice said it couldn't of been Jesus he had died right?

"Jesus." I said hugging him tight I didn't wanna let go I felt this was a bad dream or how I spend the rest of eternity remembering his face, his embrace the way he smelled

"Carter your hugging you tight don't forget I'm hurt." He said trying to loosen up my grip I let go and he showed me the gun wound he had in chest. I cried this wasn't a dream it was real Jesus was alive I was alive nothing else mattered to me.

"You had that dream again?" He asked softly

I nodded not wanting to talk about it or that night every again it's been a year since the whole Homecoming incident Jesus was hurt pretty bad he was stuck in the hospital for months after now I know how he felt when he visited me in the hospital. When he finally was released he had to do physical therapy and so many doctor appointments. As for Emma she was sent to a mental institution due to how bad she was going through. I don't know if she's gonna be charged or not but it was almost time for our graduation.

"Let's get some sleep before Mariana have our heads for tomorrow." He said smiling we laid down as I heard his heartbeat I was at ease

"Jesus I love you." I said quietly as he rubbed my back

"I love you too." He replied we drifted off to sleep. I had forgot that I was sleeping in Jesus room too due to the bad dreams I was having I felt bad about Jude because Jesus didn't want him in the room while we slept together it wasn't like we were doing anything. I woke up the next morning before Jesus. I climbed out of bed noticing Jude was in his bed. I creeped out the room over to Me and Mariana room grabbing clothes to get dressed for school.  I put on a sunflower dress and some white converse shoes I applied makeup and Mariana walked in the room drying her hair

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