The Fosters

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Once I got off the bus. It was a really nice house and big too. I walked up to the knock on the door. I was playing with my finger nails when the door opened I didn't notice the tall boy standing in the doorway.

 I was playing with my finger nails when the door opened I didn't notice the tall boy standing in the doorway

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"Um hello?" He said looking down at me

"Hi ummm I'm looking for Jack." I said avoiding this tree eyes

"Sorry you have the wrong house." He said making a weird face

"Oh my I'm sooo sorry to intrude on your family like this my brother must have gave me the wrong address." I said laughing and walking backwards down the stairs

"Jesus who's at the door." A familiar girl voice said coming to the door it was Mariana

"Oh hey Carter... how'd you figure out where I live?" She said looking scared

"I'm not a weird stalker I swear my brother text me this address an said he was here." I said holding up my hands

"Nooo it's fine... Jack is here." She said

Boy did those words save me I was so scared I interrupted a family or went to a random house. I walked in the house it was much bigger on the inside than the outside. I saw books on the table and thought maybe Mariana was having a study date with the boy who opened the door

"Sorry Mariana for interrupting you and your boyfriend from studying----" I cut off by Mariana saying ewwwww and the boy laughing

"What's funny.... I'm confused." I said scratching my head

"I'm Jesus Foster.....Mariana's twin brother." He said with his deep voice

"Oh... that makes soo much more sense." I said

"Alright guys it's dinner time." A woman that was taller than me with blonde hair and she wore a cop uniform. They have a good life their mom is a cop.

"Oh hi I'm sorry I'm Stef Adams Foster I'm Jesus And Mariana mother and Jude." She said

"Hi I'm Carter. Jack's older Sister." I said shaking her hand

"Nice to meet you I'll get him for you." She said and then she went and yelled upstairs Jude name he came rushing downstairs with Jack behind him

"Oh Carter your here." Jack said

I smiled and waved at Jude. He waved back the principal of the school walked in and I was really confused now

"Oh Hi Carter how was your first day." She asked

"It was fine... I just came to get my brother." I said pointing to Jack

"Oh yes why don't you two stay for dinner" she said with begging eyes

"Of course we would love too." Jack said before I could answer

"Good." She said getting more plates and silverware out

Mariana must've saw my face because she walked over and started talking to me

"The principal is my mom and so is the cop they are married and I have more siblings like Brandon who just walked down and Callie she over there... you met Jesus and you met Jude." She said laughing and smiling

"Hmm. You all live here in this one house." I asked

"Yes... Me Jesus Jude Callie are all adopted but Brandon is my other mom real son." She explained

"Oooo it all make sense now." I said

"Hey mom I need an after school activity since I don't wrestle anymore." Jesus said at the table

"Hey maybe you could join STEM like your sister." His mom named Stef said

"No I don't wanna be some nerd working on robots." Jesus said

I coughed and cleared my throat. The whole table looked at me I nodded to reassure them I was okay

"He can't if he wanted to... because we filled the last spot." Mariana said

"With who love?" Stef and Lena asked

"Carter she amazing at wiring and coding I mean absolutely perfect. I'm kinda glad she transferred." Mariana said picking at the food on her plate

"Oh your one of them." Jesus said looking at me

"One of what... a robotics nerd... yes yes I am." I said smiling

"So what are your parents like." Callie asked

"Umm we have a dad but he's rarely there he there in the mornings and sometimes at night.. umm we are adopted but Jack is my real brother." I said

"Oh that's nice." Brandon said

The family asked more questions about me and Jack and we answered them it was now time to go home and I knew Jim would be pissed because we wasn't home yet. I walked through the front door with Jack and quietly closed the door.

"Jack go upstairs to my room." I whispered to him and he nodded I quickly grabbed snacks for us and ran upstairs closing my door and putting the dresser to the door I dropped the snacks On my bed.

"What am I suppose to sleep in?" Jack asked

"I have some of your clothes in my closet go looks and stay in there I gotta change clothes right quick." I said

"Okay." He said going into the closet also to change his clothes I guess he was done because he stopped moving in there

"I'm done." I whispered

Jack came out and make a pile covers on the floor he knew the routine so well when we were out late. I accidentally hit my toe on my bed causing me to make a noise that I knew would wake Jim up. Before anything I heard the footsteps rush upstairs to my room. I grabbed jack and put him on my bed as Jim banged on the door and demanded to get in. I looked down and seen quiet tears fall from Jack's face I held him for who knows how long.

"It's going to be okay Jack as long as I'm here we are okay." I whispered and he continued to silent cry

"I promise..." I whispered before we both could fall asleep

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