Home Sweet Home

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We walked in the house. I sat at the table in the kitchen as Stef leaned over the table.

"Imma go to bed---ya know---upstairs..." Jesus said slowly backing out of the room

"I think it's for the best love." Stef said smiling at him

"Ma'am I'm sorry I didn't think anyone would hear me and I wasn't suppose to kiss Jesus it was we---were--just um caught up in the moment." I said

"It's fine... I heard everything before the kiss anyways." She said

"Oh good because I was scared." I said fixing my jacket

"There space in garage between Brandon piano room." She said smiling and coming over and hugging me

"We will take care of you." She said

"Wait you guys aren't going to adopt me right cause that would be really weird between me and Jesus." I said laughing and Stef laughed too

"No not at all your just staying here." She said

"Now off to bed like the rest of the kids." She said walking back to her room

"Stef... I never got a chance to thank you for that night...with.... Jack." I whispered

"It's fine." She said

I walked to the Brandon practice room and saw covers and pillows and a couch. I grabbed those and make a small pile on the couch and went to sleep.

*Next Morning*
I woke up to the sound of the alarm going off on my phone I stretched and left the room and went into the house to be greeted by Stef and Lena.

"Oh Carter you can get dressed in here in one of the bathrooms." Lena said

"Okay thanks." I said grabbing a piece of toast and left to grab my clothes and phone and dashed into the house to shower and get ready for school.

Jesus Pov:
"Hey Mama." I said running downstairs

"Hey Jesus." They both said

"Sooo are you and ya know dating." Lena asked me

"Is Jesus and who dating?" Mariana asked

"They were asking about me and Emma and no we are not unfortunately." I said pretending to be sad

"That's too bad because she is pretty and smart and caring compassionate." Stef said

"Are we talking about the same Emma here." Mariana said grabbing the orange juice

"Yes we are sweetie." Lena said

Everyone was now downstairs eating breakfast and chatting I was thinking about Carter and was she going to come to school today I couldn't keep my secret from Mariana or anyone for any longer.

"Guys we have a surprise for you." Lena said

"Wait don't tell me you gonna adopt another kid." Brandon yelled

"No no no... but it's something like that." Stef said

"What is are you guys having another baby?" Mariana asked

"No sweetie... but it should be coming down any second." Lena said

Carter Pov:
I had done my hair and took a nice shower and put on my clothes I was ready to go to school I walked down the stairs slowly anticipating on what the rest of the family thought of me staying at there house..

Carter Pov:I had done my hair and took a nice shower and put on my clothes I was ready to go to school I walked down the stairs slowly anticipating on what the rest of the family thought of me staying at there house

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"Ahh here she is now." Stef said as I walked on the last step

"CARTER!!!!" Mariana said running over to me and hugging me tightly

"Hey I missed you too." I said

"Carter is going to be staying with us. Surprise!!!" Lena and Stef said

"Cool." Callie said

Everyone was happy for me but we had to hurry up and get to school so Stef and Lena rushed all of us off in the car with Brandon. Once we got to anchor beach I stayed outside while everyone went in. "What would everyone say with me returning to school." "Would they be mean." "Would they stare." I shrugged off the thoughts in walked in school everyone stared as I walked in I heard whispers of people saying

"That's dead boy sister."  Or

"She the crazy freak who ran away when her brother got killed." It was more down the line and my heart shattered I looked at the ring Jack had got me my heart is next to yours I felt a tear fall down my face I could do this I wasn't strong enough I turned towards the door but someone caught me

"Don't let them get you down... I'll help you get through this I promise." Jesus said holding out his pinky I connected his pinky with mine. It was something I hadn't done since Jack was killed. He grabbed my hand and rubbed his thumb along the side of hand as we walked down the hallway together.

 He grabbed my hand and rubbed his thumb along the side of hand as we walked down the hallway together

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"Is Jesus dating Carter?" I heard Emma asked Mariana

"It looks like it." Mariana said smiling

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