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THEY DRESS ME UP in a red so crimson that for a second I think that it was dipped in blood.

The idea of it all makes me want to vomit despite the fact that I have not eaten in hours if not an entire day.

My stomach painfully growls at that realization but that is still not enough to make me want to have dinner with the head of the Russians. I would rather starve to death.

I think back to how all of this started with an accident. It makes me wonder if that was in fact not an accident. Could it all have been planned for me to meet Salvatore?

As I comb my hair in front of the mirror, I wish I had never met him and even if I met him — I wish I had never looked into him. I should have listened to Isabella and ignored him when I had the chance.

Now look at me. I do not even know what is next in my story. I feel like a dead corpse, dragging the weight of my dead body around. I look dead too from the pale sick hue of my skin to the dark circles under my eyes.

I grab a brush and attempt to hide it with powder and concealer. It works for the most part but I apply bright, red lipstick in an attempt to distract from it.

I then go on to strap my heels, letting out a sigh. I am so tired and I do not want to even begin to think about my so-called “twin sister”.

It could all be a lie to make Salvatore look bad for all I know but how bad do they want to paint him out to be?

A knock comes at the door, interrupting my thoughts. I clear my throats before I say, “Come in.”

The guard I kissed comes in; his dark hair pulled back in that usual man bun. Before he even speaks, I ask him a question, “What was your name again?”

“Nikolai.” He responds.

“Can you help me Nikolai?”


“No? You do not even know what I needed help with.” I respond. He keeps quiet; maintaining his distance from me.

“I am too weak to walk in these heels alone. Help me?” I ask as I extend my arms towards him. He lets out a breath before he hooks his arm into mine; holding me tight.

He opens the door and leads me down a dark stairway. Once we are at the bottom, we make a few turns before we come to a door.

“When the boss arrives you have to stand like everybody else.” He tells me.

“You boss is no boss to me.” I tell him. “I would rather be skinned alive than ACKNOWLEDGE THAT MURDERER.”

“So it matters that someone is a murderer when the someone in question is not Salvatore.” Nikolai responds. It catches me off Guard as I did not even expect him to respond. “You had better behave, Carina. Your beauty will not save you this time.”

He opens the doors of the room to reveal a long table dressed in red linen.

Around the table are men and women whose faces are so cold. I know none of them except dad and Caterina who sit to the side at the far left of the table.

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