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SALVATORE MOVES OFF of me in no more than a second before he puts on his trousers. His face is but a shell of shock as he lets out the words I most avoided - "How could I have been this irresponsible?"

He curses once more before he retrieves his phone from his pocket and leaves the room. I on the other hand remain frozen on the bed. What now?

Should I follow him? should I clean up the sheets? But what in this room can I even use to clean up all this blood? I am fucked but not as fucked as I shall be if I have a child if not children (In the case that I have twins or worst of all triplet or quadruplets).

Does he even want children? I doubt it but he would not make such a bad father if I think about it.

I mean he treats his niece Gabriella like a princess. What more his own child(ren)?

On top of that he is a multi-billionaire. If I had his child I would be taken care of which is all that matters.

There would be no need to sweat over school or work. All I would care about are babies and housewife duties if we decided to wed but he does not strike me as someone who would want to tie themselves down to another - Much less a woman like me.

Unaccomplished. Undecided. Undone.
He is better suited for Candle I know but I cannot help but think he chose me for a reason.

I fall back on the bed - troubled with tears on the brink of escape. I stare at the ceiling for what feels like an hour before Salvatore walks into the room.

His face is as cold and monotonous as his voice when his words fill the space between us. "The Doctor arrives soon. In the meantime the maid - Caterina - will see to it that you are well taken care of."

Then he leaves before I even respond.
Is this what it is supposed to be like after sex? Miserable if not awkward? I want to leave but where to? Grandma is pissed and Isabella is Isabella.

I let out a breath then stand from the bed. I wince at how even the smallest of movements hurts but I still make it to the bathroom and take a shower.

Once I head out of the bathroom I am met with the plump maid I lashed out at earlier on.

She has put clean satin sheets on the bed and tossed the others in a basket.
I cannot help but wonder if those will be washed or burned. I wish for the latter and I make that known.

"Burn those sheets."

"But mister-"

"No buts. I bled so I decide. Got that?"

She nods before she looks down at her feet. I stand before her - I am a head taller than her not because I am so tall but because she is too short.

"Look at me Caterina." I order and she does for a second and in that second I cannot help but think she resembles a person I knew but who?

"Comb my hair for me." I tell her, and sit in front of the mirror. I do not look at myself - instead I look at her.

In fact I do more than look at her - I examine her from the curls that spiral around her head into a thick afro puff to the freckles dusted across her nose.

Her eyes are a spectrum speckled -

Green like her apron then pale blue like the room and brown like her skin. It is an odd combination but beautiful like her.

"You have the prettiest face." I tell her before her lips curve into a smile that accentuates her cheekbones.

"You are too kind madame."

"Carina. Call me Carina." I decide. She raises her brows for a moment before she shares -

"I have a twin sister with that name."

"Oh. Where is she now?"

"Dead." Caterina responds before she sweeps past the topic as if it is of zero concern - "Would you like your hair tied up or down?"

"How would Salvatore like it?"

"I would not know."

"What would Candle do?"

"Whatever she liked."

"What did she like?"

"Individuals who minded their own business." Caterina says in a manner that is unlike the character she made herself out to be when she could not even do as much as look at me.

I remain silent - unable to think of a comeback as I watch her partition the hair into four equal sections. Then she moisturizes it with water and seals it with oil.

Thereafter she ties half the hair up in a sleek puff and leaves the other half down. It takes me back to the past and I cannot help but comment - "I used to do this a lot when I was a child."

"Was? You still are a child Carina - a child wet with innocence. And this is no place for a child." Caterina lets on.
"If I were YOU I would run as fast as I can from here and from him."

"That is the problem. You are not and can never be me. And as such I do not need YOU to tell me who I am or what I should do. Clean the rest of the room and be quiet about it."

Caterina does as she is told. However she does it with an air of pride about her. I turn a blind EYE to her before I proceed to the bed where a nice dress is laid out for me.

It resembles the clear black skies that are dotted with silver stars. The dress is far too GLAMOROUS to be worn at home. Caterina notices the confusion before she clears it up:

"You have dinner with Mr. LaGuardia and his parents after the doctor tends to YOU - Did he not tell YOU?"


HI BABES! From now on YOU will receive an update on FRIDAY NIGHT & WEDNESDAY NIGHT!

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Your Girl -

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