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I FREEZE IN MOTION & IN THE MOMENT that is Candle and Salvatore wrapped in each others arms with their lips locked as one. Should I stop them? or should I honour the little self-respect I have left and leave?

I choose the latter when I step back from the door but as I am about to turn around I bump into SOMETHING. Glass shatters to the marble floor before water splatters all around.

With that Candle and Salvatore break apart before both of them look at me. Candle taunts me with her smile. Salvatore on the other hand has the look of a child CAUGHT with his hand in a cookie Jar. Shock then fear then remorse?

Candle scowls as Salvatore moves her off of him and stands to his feet. He opens his mouth to speak - "Carina. I can explain."

"Explain what? The fact that YOU fucked me raw and then proceeded to KISS CANDLE? FUCK YOU SALVATORE!" I scream louder than intended. When I attempt to move back I slip on the water but I do not hit the floor. A pair of tatooed arms catch me. It is the Guard that carried me to the bed after I fainted. Santino is his name I believe.

He balances me up before he turns me around to face him. His brows are furrowed as he looks down at me. His lips form the words - ARE YOU OKAY? - but I do not process them. All I process is REVENGE.

I want it so bad and I want Salvatore to feel how bad I feel. That is how I pull Santino at the collars of his shirt and smash his lips hard on mine. I taste a hint of CIGARETTE & MINT but not for LONG because the next I know is Salvatore pulls me from Santino.

Santino stares at me in shock which soon turns into fear the moment he sees the expression Salvatore has on his face. It takes no more than a second for Salvatore to pull out his pistol and shoot Santino in the head.

I watch as Santino falls to floor before his blood pools around him. I stand there cold and frozen and not to mention shocked. He turns to Candle next and in a calm voice he commands - "Get out and never come back here."

"But-" She starts but cuts herself off when she sees the look on his face. She takes her purse and scarries out of the place. I smile - more than ecstatic that that devil of a woman has been kicked out.

I almost feel like HUGGING Salvatore for it but he removes his hand from me. I frown as I look at him but he does not look back at me even when he lets out the words I most avoided - "Carina. I do not want to look at YOU. Go downstairs. The driver will take YOU back home."

I want to protest but he enters his office and shuts the door before I can even let out a word. Moments later some men pick up the corpse while the maids clean up the blood and water and GLASS.

It makes me sick but not as sick as the fact that he killed one of his own men because of me. Not to mention kicked Candle out of his house and life forever.

If he is a cheater for what reason would he do all that? And for what reason would he shut me out like that? Did I misread the situation? Should I have let him explain himself?

I do not know but perhaps this is for the best. I do not have a place here and I also do not have a place in his life or Mafia. I wonder downstairs and see the driver WAITING for me outside. I head out and slide into the backseat.

2 HOURS LATER I am at the doorstep of Grandmothers house. I knock once and then twice before she opens the door at the third knock. She seems relieved to see me. "Carina I have been worried sick about YOU. Where were YOU?"

"With a friend."

she crosses her arms. "The same friend from that NIGHT?"

I nod and for some reason she does not ask further questions. All she does is move out the door. I enter the house and it is as I remember. It even smells the same.

"I had YOUR STUFF moved from the dorms back to YOUR ROOM." She states. "Freshen up and come down for dinner in 30 minutes."

When I enter the bedroom and look in the mirror I see the reason she has not asked questions or even shouted at me. I look like a sad mess. I take a quick shower and wear clothes more fit for home before I step out.

Grandma waits at the table and before I can even sit she asks - "What happened?"

"I met the wife of the man who had a hand in the murder of mom and dad."

"I know."




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