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MY FATHER CUTS THE CALL. I push the man’s hand off of my mouth before I question. “How is he supposed to know which airport in Mexico?”

“Innocent Carina.” My father smiles that sinister smile of his. “Whatever made you think I would let you run off with the monster that murdered your mother. We are not headed to Mexico. That is just a distraction from what I am about to do.”

“What are you about to do?” I gulp.

“Kill.” He responds before he retrieves his phone and moves to the other side of the plane.

I want to ask who but even that shakes me to the core. I wish we had never called Salvatore. Now he and his family are in serious trouble.

I have to somehow stop it but how? I have no phone but the people around me do.  I look to the man beside me and take in his features for once.

He has dark brown hair tied up in a man bun behind his head. He is dressed in a suit and his hands are secured behind his back.

“I need to use the toilet.” I tell him. He pretends not to hear me but I know he heard me because he looks to the door where dad disappeared to.

“Please.” I tell him. He lets out a breath and walks over to me. He stands to the side and unlocks the cuffs. When he removes them — he secures his hand around mine.

He then make me stand and whisks me in front of him in such a manner that he is pressed onto me. In the case that I wanted to fight him, it would be almost impossible.

Fortunate for me, I have other plans in mind other than fighting. As we head to the toilets, I start up a conversation. “You smell good.”

He does not answer.

“What perfume is it?”

No response.

“I hate that we had to meet like this. You are so hot.”

I feel him tense behind me. I smile before we stop at a door. He lets me Go.

“2 minutes.” He speaks with an accent. A Russian accent. Could we be headed to Russia? I wonder for a moment before I turn to the man. I smile a plastic smile.

“So you do speak. Your voice is even hotter than I pictured.” I tell him before I take a step closer to him.

He pushes me to the wall so much so that there is no space left between our bodies.“I know what you are up to.”

“Do you?” I smile before I stand on the tips of my toes and smash my lips against his. He resists a little but I push myself onto him, driving my tongue into his.

My arms reach around him, feeling the curvature of his strong back. I leave one hand exploring his back while the other reaches into his pocket.

There I discover a phone. I grab it quickly, but the man notices and pulls away from me. I knee him hard in the balls and push him back.

He curses I'm Russian as he groans. He tries to catch me but I rush into the toilet and lock it. 

It is then I realize that I have not mastered Salvatore’s phone number. Who can I call? Isabella. I enter her phone number and attempt to call but I am met with the words NO SERVICE.

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