Chapter 23 - Fulfillment of desires

Start from the beginning

"Another topic," continued Omer. -A new jewelry company. Joint project Passionis and Tranba. I have a preliminary agreement with Ahtem Minibaev. He agrees to make jewelry according to Defne's sketches in his workshop. I think it will be fair if for this he receives his percentage of shares in the new company.

- Ahtem Minibaev? - clarified Sinan. - Is that the Crimean Tatar with whom you studied in Italy?

"Yes, that one." Now he lives and works in Istanbul. He has a workshop in the Sariyer district. So what do you think about his partnership with the new company? Do you agree?

Sinan nodded in the affirmative. Tranba, drumming his fingers on the table, thoughtfully said:

- The production site and the master are good. Enough for the beginning, and then think about expanding and attracting new masters. But there is still a question of personnel. Work on the departments of logistics, accounting, finance, system support can be combined by employees of Tranba and Passionis. But the marketing department, the concept development department and the manager must be their own.

"I would like to take the position of creative director," Seda spoke decisively. She turned to Deniz and, apologizing, shrugged. "I know that my loan is related to Tranba, but I am very interested in this work." Building the image of a new company from scratch is а manager's dream.

"Your loan has been repaid," he answered. - This is my contribution to the charity event. If you want to take up the difficult task of making a name for the new company, then I will not interfere with you. "

Deniz fell silent and scratched his head. Then he spread his hands and mockingly said: - Well, what kind of karma? Again I was left without a creative department.

- But then the winter collection is ready. I'll also draw a spring-summer, - Defne promised.

"And I, until you find me a replacement, will be acting as the creative director of Tranba," Seda said.

"I will hold you for your word," Deniz winked at both.

"As for the purchase, orders and sales department," Omer eagerly interrupted such a sweet dialogue, "I have someone in mind." Madam Mirai, that waitress ... - he fell silent, but everyone understood who he was talking about - she is a certified manager and, I think, can handle purchases and sales. While there will be work to open the new company, she will undergo an internship in the Passionis marketing department.

"Great idea," Defne supported her husband. "By the way, when we walked through the woods yesterday, Kumru told me that her father worked as a manager for almost twenty years." And when she got sick and was in the acute stage of the disease, he was almost inseparably with her. The employer was dissatisfied with this and he had to leave work. Kumru is better now. In the morning, we were with Omer in the hospital. For her and Dila, they are intensely seeking donors. The chances of their recovery are high. Maybe he wants to get back to work?

"Well, I will contact him," Seda said. - He is a great manager and a good person.

"The next question is the office space," said Tranba.

"Sheri's former office is not busy," Omer answered instantly. - I contacted the owner and discussed the rent. It is quite acceptable.

"Do you still want Defne under your wing?" – mocking said, Deniz.

"The understandable desire of a loving husband," said Iz, who was silent for almost the entire meeting.

Tranba's heart in his chest made a somersault. Is the beauty merciful to him?! From the very beginning of the meeting, she acted as if he was an empty place, and such behavior angered him like hell. Deniz looked into her eyes and gave a wry smile:

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