Everyone was silent, not knowing what to say and none of them wanting to admit what they know he was saying.

"Kotoge, how far could you pitch a softball in middleschool? " Aizawa threw a ball at the mentioned boy. He caught it with ease and stepped up into the circle next to his teacher.

"A measly 50 meters"

"You are free to use your quirk this time. The only rule is that you must not step out of that circle"

Akio nodded and threw the ball into the sky. He then produced a small knife from his person and with a slight movement of his hand it was transformed into a metal bat.

"Batter up"

There was a "ding" as the bat connected with the ball and everyone watched in awe as it soared through the sky.

A number appeared in Shino's vision and she was actually impressed.


Akio was packing some strength behind that calm look of his. He swung his bat through the air and it returned to the small knife it once was.

"Before anything else one must know what they're capable of" Aizawa said showing everyone the scanner in his hand. "This is a rational metric that will Form the basis of your hero foundation"

Everyone was still deadly silent waiting for him to say what they were already suspecting.

Aizawa smiled at the silence. "It seems my message has already gotten across, but I'll say it anyway"

"The person in last place will be expelled" the smile on Aizawa's face just got bigger. "Welcome to the department of heroics! "

And so the death trials began.

The first trial was the fifty meter dash. Naturally the win went to Iida who finished within 3.04 seconds. Shino did well with her enhanced speed and clocked in at 4.01 seconds.

Katsuki almost started another fight when Sora beat him by just one milisecond and got even more angry when Izuku tied with him. Shino didn't intervene and just watched from a safe distance.

The second trial was the grip strength test. Sora won that round entirely when he broke the machine.

"What a monster" Kaminari gaped along with the other classmates.

Shino was pretty proud of her strength. She got a grip strength of over a couple hundred kilo. She wasn't as strong as mini might over there, but she was stronger than most.

The third trial was the standing long jump. Uraraka owned that test by floating past the school itself. Katsuki was freaking pissed by the infinity score she achieved. Shino again used her enhanced physical abilities and managed to score very high on the test.

The fourth trial was the sustained sideway jump. The win originally went to Mineta, but obviously he wasn't there. The highest score went to Tagawa Daichi. He placed two of his key chains in each wheel and constantly teleported between them.

Trial five, the pitch.

Uraraka attained her infinity status again. The whole thing was just suited for her. Katsuki went and blew everyone away with his explosion scoring a 705.2 meters. Izuku, like Shino had enhanced strength and he coupled that with his ability to control fire and shot the ball off as powerful as Katsuki. It also helps that he has been training with Sora. He scored a 704.7 meters. Sora went ahead and blew everyone away with the power of one for all. He retained a score of 706.0 meters. Of course Katsuki was pissed off by this. Shino actually cheated in this round by backing up her natural strength with a booster quirk and reached the level of Sora. She was very proud of her little cheat.

After all the trials the scores were presented. Sora obviously dominated the tests, coming in number one. Shino followed after him in second place. Katsuki and Izuku came in third and fourth. Momo took fifth.

Last place came Toru Hagakure with Ren Kosei just above her.

Toru looked terrified at the prospect of being expelled.

"Oh yeah. That whole thing about expulsion was a lie. "

"What!? "

Shino was already walking away from the very loud scene. She yawned on her way and noted that she really needed a nap. Maybe she could sneak one in during one of the lessons. Don't they have a free period after this?

"Hey! Wait up! "

Running after her was the rest of their class. Daichi caught up to her with a big smile on his face.
"You're Kiddo, right? "

"And you're Tagawa"

"Yeah, I'm glad you know my name"

"I remember everyone's name. What is it? "

"Nothing I just wanted to say that you were really cool out there. Second place is amazing. Hell the other kids in the top five are awesome "

"I'm the best" Katsuki said, his ego showing itself to the world.

"And yet you lost to me"Sora teased and quickly caught up to Shino before Katsuki could do anything.

"Kacchan, please don't start a fight in the hallway"

"Does your quirk give you boosted physical attributes? "

The question was asked by a curious Akio Togote.


"I see, I wonder what quirk you possess"

Shino fished a piece if candy out her pocket and chucked it into her mouth with that small amused smile of hers.

Momo took one glance at her and knew she was not going to enlighten them on her quirk, at least the one she chose to use as her main quirk at the school.

"She's not going to tell you" Momo sighed. "Whenever she adopts that amused smile it's a given that she won't answer any questions"

"Why do you have to expose me in such a way Momo? "Shino chuckled and offered her a candy.

"Shino just loves to be a tease" Sora laughed and threw an arm over her shoulder. "Apparently it amuses her"

Izuku nodded in agreement. Katsuki only smirked.

"You guys are on a first name basis" Kaminari stated. "You must be really good friends"

"Oh yeah, I'm her best friend" Sora bragged.

"You're a loud idiot" Shino elbowed him in the rib causing him to let go of her and nurse his new wound.

"Shino that hurt"

"That was the point"

Katsuki laughed at Sora's pain even going so far as to openly mock him.

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