chapter 45

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"Your field training will be one week long " Aizawa's tired voice filled the quiet class. "I have sheets listing down good workplaces" Aizawa motioned to the stack of papers on his desk.

"For those who were nominated there is a personalized list. Those who were not nominated receive a list of 40 participating workplaces from across the country" Midnight continued.

"There are more than enough options. Choose one and choose wisely "

Shino eyed her list of workplaces with a curious eye. She already knew who she was choosing. She was just curious about what other offers she had received. Everyone else around her was in deep conversation about their preffered agency and style.

"You've been nominated by Toy Master? " Daichi asked Akio excitedly as he looked over his list of potential work places.

Shino glanced in their direction upon hearing the name. Toy Master is a high ranking hero who is good with everyone and everything. His quirk allows him to turn any toy weapon into an actual weapon as long as he knows what the desired weapon is made of. Toy Master and Akio had obvious similarities. Shino wouldn't be surprised if he chose his agency.

"Edgeshot as well" Akio said more to himself than Daichi. It seemed he was caught between the two. Understandable. They were both great heroes. One specialized in weapons. The other was a master of stealth. Both had qualities Akio wanted to train to his best.

"Awe yeah! Tripper and Quicksilver nominated me" Daichi's excitement was aimed at his own achievements.

No surprise he caught the eye of speed based heroes.

Tripper has some sort of teleportation quirk. He can't go very far. Seeing him use it always remined Shino of the flashstep from Bleach. He would just flicker out of sigh and reaper somewhere nearby a moment later. His way of fighting matches Daichi. Or is it the other way around.

Quicksilver is a different story. He's also based on speed, but its no form of teleportation. He's just unbelievably fast. He's so fast he can generate electricity while running. In all honesty he is just the Flash of the MHA world.

Shino's attention was soon on Tsuyu and Ren. Little Ren was so happy her face was red. Apparently she got nominated by her role model. She was shyly conversing with Tsu over her happy discovery.

Missprint. The ink hero. She's pretty impressive. She's capable of making and controlling ink. How one makes ink from their body is still something Shino is trying to figure out. This woman has a set of abilities. First of all she could make clones of herself with her ink. She can even control their size. The clones can do anything anything the original can. Secondly she can create anything with her ink. Be it a gun, a sword or some weird little creature that stares deep into your soul. Shino shivered at the memory of running into one of those creatures. They creeped her out. They had red eyes and this unblinking stare that made the normally cool Shino uncomfortable.

"Shino, I got nominated by Meta! "

Shino flinched at the loudness of Sora's voice and the loud "bang" of his hands slamming down on her desk.

"You don't have to be so loud "

"I'm so excited! He's super cool! "

"Quiet down"

Meta. He possessed the quirk known as Aftermath. It's pretty simple. His quirk allows him to store up any force used against him and return it with twice the force. In short he could hold his own against All Might if his durability is high enough. It matters not that he can store up force, he still feels pain and could still be hurt.

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