Chapter 12

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"I lost "

"That you did"

Shino ignored her father as she layed sprawled out on the ground. Her father had beaten her fair and square. He didn't go easy on her and she didn't stand much of a chance. She only used one quirk. She had to choose carefully and therefore restrained from using her quirk for some time. The best quirk for the situation would have been some sort of darkness quirk or possible one similar to her father's, but sadly she had not mastered any of the two. She was left with a handful of options. Each of her quirks took some time to be mastered. Each time she would only work on one until perfected. She restrained from using those that were still very shaky.

When her father had blindsided her she had to think fast. An energy beam was aimed at her at point blank range and she had to get out of the way or face the consequences. Without thinking she teleported or "glitched" out of danger.

The quirk is very simple. It basically let's her teleport or "glitch" away from her original position. The furthest she can go is ten meters. Its a pretty handy quirk. If overused her vision gets glitchy and sometimes she herself glitches. It only happened once and she hoped it never happened again.

So she glitched and that meant that was the only quirk she was allowed to use.

Welp her father managed to corner her when she reached her time limit.

"Can you get up? "

"Yeah. You didn't have to hit me that hard or send so many energy beams my way. "

"You wanted to train and we trained. Thanks to me you now have higher durability and faster reaction time and reflexes"

"This was our first time sparring though"

"OK then I'll say it properly. Thanks to me you will have higher durability and faster reaction time along with reflexes"

Shino didn't reply. She just yawned and sat up.

"You should go get some sleep Hiro"

"I know" Shino stretched and walked towards the house. "I'm going to the Yaoyorozu estate "

Shino stopped at her room to pack some clothes and left. It only took her five minutes of webbing through the city for her to arrive at the door again. She almost climbed through Momo's window, but that would not have been proper. She didn't see the problem with it. Momo's parents knew she was coming over and they knew she tended to climb through windows.

"Welcome back Shino"

"Thanks Mrs. Yaoyorozu. I hope you don't mind me spending the night"

"Oh of course not. Momo loves having you around and frankly so do I. You're a delight and so very sweet"

Shino smiled brightly at the compliment. "I try my best"

"Why don't you go get settled. Dinner will be ready soon"

"Yes ma'am"

Shino practically ran up the stairs and burst into Momo's room with a big grin on her face. Momo squealed in shock and almost fell of her desk chair .

"I'm back"

"I can see that. Why did you just barge in like that?"

"I do not know. Maybe I wanted to mess with ya" Shino plopped her backpack in a corner and climbed straight into Momo's bed. "I need a nap. I haven't slept the entire day and its starting to wear on me"

"How was your training with your father"

"Painful for the most part"

"You lost"

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