chapter 2

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Time passed. She didn't know how much, but it passed. She wasn't aware of time in the darkness she found herself in. She was drifting between the realm of sleep and consciousness. She had stopped thinking of anything when she started to lose more and more information about her past life. The only thing that remained was her love for anime. She was happy for that. Still she was disappointed that she couldn't remember her life. Did she have loving parents? Was she great in school? Did she have lots of friends? She couldn't remember. Even her very last and recent memory was fading away at a rapid pace. It seemed like the longer she stayed in that dark space the faster her memories faded. There was no fighting it and she didn't have the strength to be stubborn. She would just let it happen. She figured that she didn't need her memories anymore. She wasn't alive anymore after all.

More time passed and all she could remember was the animes and manga she loved so much. She wondered why they were all she remembered. Was she holding on to them. How could she hold onto the memories of fictional stories and not to those of her daily life? Was she so in love with these Japanese animations?

Either way it was nice having those memories. She was always happy in them. At least she kept happy memories. Plus it was a way to pass time. In a space where she was unaware of time having something exciting to think about would do a lot of good.

She had seen a lot of anime. She started to count them off as a way to distract herself.

Naruto. Dragon Ball. One Piece. Full Metal Alchemist. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Fairy Tail. Rave Master . One Punch Man. Attack on Titan. Tokyo Ghoul. Mob Psycho 100. My Hero Academia.

The list went on an on. She was obviously a fan of action and adventure. She hardly watched any romance and the only girlie anime she ever watched was Sailor Moon. Even that had some action.

At some point when she was going through the names of some characters she felt the pressure on her body suddenly shift. She was startled out of her thoughts and tried to figure out what was going in. It felt as if the liquid she was in was suddenly draining away. What would happen to her if it were all gone? She still wasn't sure where she was. Yes she had thought about the possibility of being reborn  but she didn't get her hopes up. Not too high anyways.

When the liquid was gone she felt intense pressure on her entire body. The sensation was very odd bordering on painful. She didn't know what to do as she felt herself being forcefully pushed towards an odd light.

She noted that her situation would sound very cliche. If she could laugh she would.

After some very odd minutes she felt very exposed. She didn't know what the hell she just went through, but she was hoping never to go through it again. The entire experience was weird and frightful. She shivered once cold air blew on her. She found that she could move again. She still felt weak, but not as much as the last time. She could hear voices although she wasn't clear on what they were saying. Her hearing wasn't up to date. It was a frustrating feeling not being able to hear. All the voices sounded muffled.

Suddenly she felt a sharp pain on her behind and let out a pained yelp. She could hear the wailing of a child even through her muffled hearing It sounded so close by too.

Actually the second she yelped the child started to wail.

Hold on a minute.

She was crying. She was wailing like a child.

Hold on a goddamn minute.

Why were there hands all over her? Why did she feel so exposed? Why was she crying?

She struggled to open her eyes and regretted the second she did. She saw a blinding light and immediately closed her eyes as a sharp pain shot through her. Damn lights.

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