chapter 4

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Shino was staring at her food unable to eat it. It looked delicious. It probably was. Her mother always made the best Mac and cheese and she loves Mac and cheese. But she couldn't eat. She just wasn't  feeling it. She wasn't  feeling good at all. Ever since she woke up in the morning she wasn't  feeling like herself. Her head and throat hurt and she felt as if all her energy had been drained. Was she catching a cold? She hasn't caught one since she entered this new world. She was perfectly healthy for years. It didn't feel like a cold though. She was hungry but the longer she looked at the food the faster her want to eat it deminished. Her headache never faded and only increased in intensity. She rubbed her temples and sighed as she got out her seat at the table.

"Are you ok, young master? "

"Yeah, I'm just not hungry Kinji"

"Should I call your parents? "

"No, no. They're at work. I don't want to disturb them. I'll just go lie down for a while"

Climbing up the stairs was a lot more straining than usual. Her feet felt like jellow when she crashed onto her bed. She sighed as she properly pulled herself into her soft sheets and rolled herself into them. Her head still hurt. It felt as if someone just bashed her head into an iron wall. She groaned and curled in on herself. Maybe she just needed some sleep. Sleep always solves such problems. Hopefully she would feel a bit better when she awoke.

She wasn't aware of how long she had been asleep. She woke up to the feel of someone running a hand through her hair. She slowly opened her eyes to meet the rose gold of her mother. She looked worried and was dressed in her hero suit. She smiled slightly when Shino looked at her.

Shino made a move to get up but her body was too weak for movement. The pain in her head had increased ten fold and it was becoming hard to keep her eyes open. She saw her mother's lips move, but her words sounded muffled. Shino wanted to say something but no words would leave her throat. Her head hurt too much and the effort to keep her eyes open was too much. The last thing she saw before losing consciousness was the scared look on her mother's face as she yelled incoherent words.

This was not how she saw her day going.
There was a constant beeping noise filling her ears when she regained her consciousness. The sound was familiar and yet she couldn't place it. She slowly  opened her eyes and met white ceilings. She blinked to clear her blurred vision. She looked to her side and found the source of the beeping noise. It was a cardiogram. She followed the tubes coming out of it. She looked at her arm and saw the tubes connected to her. It felt odd. She sighed when she realized she was in a hospital. Something must really be wrong. She still had a headache although it wasn't as painful anymore.

"What is going on? "

She rubbed her temples and looked around for the red button that's placed in each room. She found it, pushed the button and just waited. That beeping next to her was starting to annoy her. Why was it so loud? Her headache was returning with each beep of the machine. She groaned and glared at the machine as if it was her worst enemy. At that moment it really was.

The sound of the door opening made her tear her attention away from the machine. In stepped a man clad in all white. Following behind him were her very worried parents. She smiled upon seeing them and did not resist the hug she was pulled into.

"We're so glad you're okay"

"What happened? "

"You fell unconscious and entered an atonic seizure" the doctor informed as he wrote something down.

"I went through a generalized seizure? That means my brain practically shut down. Why did that happen? "

The doctor seemed impressed for a moment. "I'm surprised you know that"

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