chapter 51

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Stain. Who is he? A vigilante? A villain? Someone who is misunderstood? To most he was a villain. The hero killer. The name says it all. He kills heroes . Of course he would be seen as a villain. To some a vigilante. There are some out there that agree with his ideology. There are fake heroes out there. Those who do the job for the money and fame. They could care less about the people they signed up to save. The world would be a better place without them. To Shino he was misunderstood. No one understood him. Maybe she didnt either but she could see the bigger picture. Stain is a big fan of All Might. She might even call him a fan boy. He believes that All Might is a true hero. He is. That belief is right. He is a true hero. He cares about the lives of other living beings. He doesn't do it for the money. The fame. The recognition. No. He does it because it is right. Nobel. He did it because be wanted to. He would give his life for another. That is a hero. That is the number one hero. That is the man he looked up to. Every hero had to be like him. If they're not they should be punished. They shall pay with their lives

"Is it wrong for a hero to be in the business for the money? "

Shino stood besides her friends. She was facing the Hero Killer himself. His aura was intimidating. His killing intent was easily felt. She felt it. It burned into her skin. Her bones. Her mind. It didn't effect her. She didn't let it effect her. There was no room to be intimidated. No room for fear.

"Money. Fame. Recognition. They taint the hero business. Those who became heroes for those reasons are scumbags! Cowards"

Shino pulled her hood down. She stared at the man. Into his eyes. She frowned.

"You don't look deeper" She sighed. "Becoming a hero for the money does not make one bad. You ever thought about the fact that the hero wants the money to help the family? To help others? " she asked as she started to approach the man. "What if they seek fame to make people listen. To enlighten them. To bring them towards their cause? " she pulled out a lollipop and slowk unwrapped it. "What if they seek recognition to prove something? To prove that anyone can become a hero if they tried? " she observed the sweet before popping it in her mouth.

"Have you ever thought of that? "

She didn't wait for a response. She was suddenly in front of him. When he made move to attack her he was suddenly held captive in one of Sora's force fields.

"Your ideology is flawed. You should always look deeper" Shino said calmly as she snapped her fingers. The forcefield was then gone and the man glared.

"How dare you! "

Shino only raised an eyebrow as the man charged her. She didn't move. She knew her friends had her back.

"How dare I? " she tilted her head as a fire attack was aimed at the man. He dodged only to be caught in a massive ice glacier. "I'm just stating facts"

"You don't know what you're talking about. You're corrupt. They've tricked you"

"You're the one who has no idea what you're talking about. You refuse to accept what I just revealed because you are afraid " Shino shot him a cold look. "I don't know what set you on this path but what I do know is that your believe does not give you the right to murder. You've taken away those importantant to others. A father. A mother. An uncle. An aunt. A brother. A sister. It matters not what you believe. It matters not why they do what they do. You're acts are not acceptable "

She stood in front of the frozen man. She smiled sadly.

"You know, I understand. There are heroes out there who do it for their selfish reasons. We are humans. They are humans. There will always be a few bad apples. But killing is not the answer. Violence makes everything worse. Maybe not now. Not tomorrow, but someday"

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