chapter 27

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"87.. 88... 89... 90... "

Currently Shino was in her backyard doing some standard push ups. She had been training very hard over the past two weeks in anticipation of the sports festival. She also helped most of her classmates train. She was very versitile and seemed capable of sparing with anyone. Her backyard was also very big and she had training equipment of various forms. She helped everyone as much as she could. She lent Ren some of her comics so she could find something useful to draw. Akio came to her to train with his various weapons. He was aware of Shino's skill in weaponry as well as Momo's. The two helped him as best they could. Daichi's training consisted of Shino throwing his keychains as far as she could. He would teleport to the airborne keychain and back to the one on the ground as fast and as long as possible. He had reached his limit multiple times, but pushed through. Shino encouraged him to "mark"more keychains and suggested he used it properly durning fights. Izuku, Sora and Katsuki were at her house on the daily. They would spar together and Shino asked herself and them why they don't just train at each others houses.

Shino continued her pushups determined to reach 150. She had reached it before and was working towards it with some extra weight. The extra weight was in the form of arm and legwarmers that contained weights. A little Lee training. On top of that she had Momo sitting on her back, casually going through her Yaoyotab.

"123... 124... 125... 126... 127... "

The pushups continued. Shino's training consisted of her maxing out her webbing and pushing forward from there. It hurt. It really did. She was forcing her worn out spinnerets to produce webs a lot faster. It was painful, but she pushed on. She also trained her booster quirk. She pushed over the thirty minute limit. She wanted to reach an hour. The day she did that she could hardly move a muscle. She was bedridden for two days. She worked on some other quirks as well. But mainly focused on those two.

"What are we doing after this? "Momo suddenly asked.

"Taking a break... 139... 140... "

"Good. I was starting to think you'd never take a rest. You've been training all morning "

Shino chuckled and did her last push up. Momo climbed off her and she stood up with a well deserved stretch.

"I know"

Shino had her arms above her head in a long stretch. She was currently dressed in a sports bra and sweat pants. Her toned stomach was in clear display and Momo had to avert her eyes. Shino has a very lean body, something she was proud of. Her muscles weren't noticeable in her uniform or practically anything else. It is only when she is dressed in something tight or walking around shirtless that you see the muscles in her arms and her tones stomach. As for her legs, well they were well defined and toned. Shino was an obvious tomboy and therefore always dressed in loose clothing. Because of this everyone failed to notice her hourglass figure and impressive breast. They weren't as big as those of Momo's, but they were not small either. Just the right size as she always said.

Shino was the definition if an athletic female. She had amazing body that she hardly displayed. The only people to get a look at it were her family and close friends.

Despite herself Momo couldn't help but admire the the well toned abs Shino endowed.

"Momo, you're staring" Shino teased once she caught her friend looking. She instantly looked away a pool of red flourishing on her cheeks.

"That's ok I know I'm hot" Shino bragged and laughed.

"That's not very funny"

"I found it very funny and that's all that matters" Shino shrugged as she made her way towards her house. "I gotta take a quick shower"

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