chapter 41

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Shino can be a sadist and a pretty cruel one too. Momo knew that. It's not a side of her that was revealed often, but it was there. She would adopt a sweet smile and look pretty innocent. No one would assume a thing. That smile is an illusion, for the aura she was letting out was terrifying. Momo felt very sorry for the poor man that innocent look was aimed at. Shino had chosen a game to play. All she had to do was shoot down targets and win a prize. She had her eyes on the game for some time. She had seen people come and go never winning a prize. It was obvious to her the game was rigged.

She was about to destroy this man's whole career.

"Old man, let's make things interesting " Shino smiled very brightly. "A prize for every shot I make. If I miss one I pay you twice the amount for the game"

The look on the man's face was down right devious. He rubbed his hands together at the prospect of extra money. Naturally he agreed. It's not like the kid would land an actual shot.

"That's what I like to hear" Shino grinned as she gripped her toy gun. She had ten shots and ten targets. Ten prizes.

"Prize number 1" Shino pulled the trigger and watched the ball go. The game was set up so the ball couldn't knock down the target. The targets were glued to their spots very elusively. All Shino had to do was mess with some friction. Friction is the force resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces. Mess with friction and everything misplaces it's grip. So when the ball connected the target met it's demise.

Shino's grin grew when she saw the shocked expression on the man's face.

Momo sighed as she watched Shino have her way. She took out all targets and the man could say nothing because he knew what he did. Shino then proceeded to take great joy in taking the poor man's top prizes.

"Nice doing business with ya"

"That wasn't very nice Shino"

"It wasn't very nice of him to mess with the game "

"What are you going to do with all those prizes? "

"Well I need to give you one, naturally "

Shino was very cheerful as she presented a medium sized teddy bear to Momo. He adorned a scarf and red jacket. Momo found that he represented Shino perfectly.

"Thank you" Momo smiled as she eccepted the bear. It was very soft and offered warmth.

"You're welcome" Shino gathered the rest of toys she had swindled. "I plan on giving these to the kids that man robbed"

Shino easily hunted down the children and gifted them each a desired toy. She ended up playing with a group a toddlers at some point. Their parents seemed perfectly ok with the interaction. Shino was someone people tend to trust easily. At least when she wants them to. Besides the kids really took a liking to her.

Momo stood at a close distance and watched the scene in front of her. Two toddlers around the age of three were hanging from Shino's scarf. It was a wonder she didn't suffocate. A four year old was scalling her like some dangerous mountain that needed to be conquered. And Shino was trying very hard to untangle the tiny hands gripping onto her hair. The mother of the infant was apologizing while helping Shino in her endeavor.

In the end Shino's hair was a mess. She adjusted her headphones and fixed her scarf as she walked beside a giggling Momo. Shino sighed and then busied herself with her hair.


Momo only giggled more at the expression on Shino's face.

"Once upon a time you were one"

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