chapter 55

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Shino was sucking on a lollipop as she stepped into her classroom. She had the documents Aizawa dumped on her tucked beneath her arm and dropped them on his desk as she made her way to her desk. She got a good amount of sleep the day before, despite everything. When she woke up she had to go get Kaito down, it was a struggle. He just kept slipping out of her grip. She found that the infant had a very interesting quirk. It was dubbed deflector shield. It was fitting. After reading through the Intel in her vision she found out that the baby boy was surrounded by a deflector shield. The shield was like a body suit and can't be noticed. That is why when anyone tries to grab him he just slips away. Shino didn't know if that counted as deflection. He could also fly or float. She planed on studying the baby later. She would also need to make something that kept him from activating his quirk. Maybe some toy that cancels out his quirk. It's dangerous for him to use his quirk the way he was.

Shino approached her seat and dropped her backpack on her desk. The second she did that Iida was in front of her an bowed so low he almost touched the floor. His arm was broken and in a cast. Shino frowned and retrieved her backpack in search of her bottle of blood pills.

"I must thank you for everything you've done. My brother regained consciousness Some days ago and I gave him the pill you gave me. He's all better now. The doctor had said he would never run again, but his legs are healed. There's not one broken bone present. I must thank you" Iida refused to meet Shino' eyes. He was a fool. He wanted revenge for what Stain had done to his brother. He only ended up risking his life. He was being childish. If only he didn't let anger cloud his judgment. He gripped his fist.

Shino stared at the boy and sighed. She gripped him by the collar and forced him to stand up straight.

"Stop that" her voice was calm as she handed him one blood pill. "Eat this"

He nodded and did as told. It was the same pill he had given his brother.

"Give it a few hours"

"Thank you"

"Stop thanking me"


"No buts. I don't want to hear you thanking me again"


"You call me Shino"

Iida let a small smile grace his lips and nodded.

"Now" Shino sighed and karate chopped Iida on the head. "Don't you ever do something so stupid and dangerous again, do you hear me? "

He nodded rapidly.

"Good, tell your brother I said hi"

"Hey Kiddo" Akio greeted as he approached the two. "Iida, how have you been? "

"Good. How have you been? "

"It's alright"

"Hey Iida, is your arm OK? "Izuku appeared behind the boy and looked worried. He had Daichi and Sora with him. Daichi inspected his arm while Sora smiled and tried to wave off the thanks he said to the two.

A hand came to rest on Iida's shoulder and he turned to find the ever stoic Shoto. He looked to his arm and Iida understood his silent question

"I will be alright. Kid- um Shino gave me one of her pills. She said I should be alright in a few hours"

"That's good" Izuku sighed.

"Looks like you're alive" Katsuki said from his place at his desk. He was reclining and had glanced at the group. "You're a dumb bastard"

"That's his way of saying he's somewhat happy you didn't die" Izuku translated.

Iida smiled. "Thank you all"

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