chapter 53

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Adrenalin really does things to people. Shino realized that when she got a sudden headache and started to cough up blood. She was wondering when her drawbacks would kick in. She had used multiple quirks at once to keep herself hidden from the league of vilains. At first she felt nothing and used that opportunity to catch up to her friends. Things in the city were wearing down. The pro heroes came and did their thing, not knowing that it was the students who did the background work. She was sure that if she had not created her little device, the nomu would still be causing major trouble. Her little team did what they needed and took out as many Nomu as they could. They also assisted the heroes in the shadows as to not get into trouble. Despite it all Shino still had a feeling the stain thing would get them in some trouble. She didn't care at all.

She fished for sweets in her pouch And came with the trusty lollipop. She was leaning against a wall and proceeded to slide down in exhaustion. She sighed as she sucked on the strawberry flavored treat. She was listening to the conversation at hand. She was back at her mother's office along with her team, who had their heroes with them. All Might was also present along with Scarlet Witch. Inko and Mizuki were present as well. They're also known as Aether and Chemi.

The two work well together. Inko possessed strong Telekinesis powers. She's strong enough to lift cars with ease. With ease. Shino was constantly impressed. In the canon verse she could only lift small objects. It was a massive change, but Shino realized that she was born into an AU.

Shino was shocked to find Mitsuki was a hero. Her quirk remained the same. She produced glycerine. Mitsuki is very smart and knows her way around chemicals. She walks around with chems of all kinds. She mostly mixed her glycerin with nitric acid to create bombs. She literally carries self made grenades. Of course it's not the only thing she made. She could mix just about anything to create anything that would be usefull in a situation.

"Are you alright Shihiro?" Tsuyu and the rest of her friends were standing in front of her with worried looks. Shino only smiled and nodded.

"You over did it, didn't you? " Momo sat next to her and handed her a box of chocolate milk. Shino smiled in thanks and proceeded to drink it up before returning to her lollipop. She needed more sugar, but what she had should do for a while. She'll feast herself later at home.

"Hiro" Her father was standing in front of her. He had a grin on his face as he ruffled her hair. She swatted his hand away, to his amusement. "How'd it go? "

"She's no trouble" Shino sighed and tried to fix her hair. "She's a friend of mine and I assure you she's not a bad person"

"So a girl? "

Nico sighed as she turned to her daughter. How many poeple did the kid know. She would believe her daughter. She was informed that this friend was the one to warn them about the city.

"What did you have to do? " Daichi asked.

"I had to shadow a suspicious character that was lurking near every Nomu scene. Astrape suspected that she was involved with the league of villains. "

"Is she? "

Shino looked away for a second before nodding. It got her looks from everyone in the room and she sighed. "She's not a bad person, she has her reasons. Besides she was the one to warn us about the attack in the first place"

"When did you meet this person? "

"Oh you know" Shino chuckled and scratched the back of her head with a look on her face. She had a knack for running into canon characters when she least expected it. "It was a random meeting. She was going through some stuff so I decided to help her, you know? "

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