chapter 35

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The battles ranged on. The match between Tsuyu and Ren was an interesting one. It was obvious the two had become close friends and Ren didn't seem to like the idea of fighting Tsuyu. But she had to anyway. Or she could have just quit, but she didn't do that.

Ren is nothing special when it comes to hand to hand combat. Or strength. She's small, fast, has a high dexterity level and is super agile. But so is Tsuyu. An even match with both of them containing similar skills. They're both good at long range battles. Where Tsu uses her tongue, Ren uses her drawing. They were never really in close contact during the entire fight. Ren had to find time to draw up something and Tsu would not allow it. Ren would have her drawing pad in hand and nimbly jumping around the arena, dodging Tsu's attacks as best she could. She got caught once and almost fell out of bounds. It was when she was tumbling over that she activated her drawing. Another odd creature appeared. It was small. Could be her size. It pulled her back into the arena just in time. Another video game creature. Ren must really have a thing for video games. She would get along well with Sora. The thing was unnaturally fast. Tsuyu couldn't keep up with it. At that point Shino was infested in the match. Tsu needed to get away from the creature and go for Ren. If she took out Ren the creature would be no problem. Getting past the thing was a challenge. It could predict her movements and would stop her before she could do anything. So Tsu being Tsu was calm and searched for a weakness. The weakness was smack dab in the middle. Right on the thing's chest. The creature was completely white while that one spot was creamish yellow. Who wouldn't assume that to be a weak spot? It took Tsu a couple of minutes to get a successful hit. Once her tongue connected the creature froze motionless and silent. Slowly it shrunk and was back to the small piece of paper. Holding the thing active wore Ren out. She barely dodged Tsu's attack. Her speed wasn't as impressive anymore and she rushed to create a new drawing.

"Game over" Sora mimicked the sound of a losing game when Ren lost her balance and fell out of the arena.

Tsuyu was the victor. She climbed out the arena and helped Ren up. Ren was a blushing mess, utterly embarrassed about her lost. It was her own fault she lost her balance. She was focused on her drawing and dodging Tsu that she wasn't even aware that Tsu was pushing her towards the edge.

"She did pretty good"

Shino nodded in agreement. Ren needed to learn to fight. She could use her size to her advantage. That coupled with her speed and agility would make her an interesting opponent. Seeing as she lacked strength she would need to fight in a way that uses her enemy's strength and momentum against them.

Next up was Sora against Kaminari.

We all know how that ended.

Kaminari used his full power, completely burning out his braincells. Sora only had to pull up his shield and watch. After that Sora just pushed him out of the ring. So simple. Kaminari really shouldn't have pulled out the big guns like that. The attack was utterly useless.

"Poor guy"

"There was no winning against Yagi anyways. But he should have been a bit smarter with his attack"

The fights ranged on. Shino had started to snack on the chocolate bars she had restocked. Each match was interesting to her and gave her a lot to think about. She learned how different people used their quirks against others. In ways that would benefit them and bring an advantage even if their opponent had the complete opposite quirk. It was fun to watch. Her friends moved on to the next round easily. Shoto completely annihilated the poor class B student that went against him. Kirishima's fight with TetsuTetsu ended in a draw and to settle it they had a very manly arm wrestle.

It was a very manly fight. Between two manly men with very manly quirks who declared to be each other's manly rival. Very manly.

Shino zipped up her shirt completly as she stepped onto the arena. For some reason she started to think of the Cell games. The arena was very similar.

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