chapter 47

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The ding of the elevator signaled their arrival at their destination. Red combat boots stepped out soundlessly and casually walked the halls with familiar ease. Shino had her hands in her costume pocket and was humming to herself. She was sporting a new scarf. Red by color now. She wanted a little change so that happened. It wasn't really that special. The only difference to it was the webbing laced in it. It allowed her to use her electricity on it, officially turning it into a weapon. She wanted to change her headphones as well. It took a bit longer and a lot of explosions but she pulled it off. She redesigned it with multiple technology that she safely fused together to create what she needed. Her colors remained the same. Her added feature was a nearly invincible button that when pressed transforms or desolve or whatever word is suited. Anyways. It turns into small black earbuds. It's pretty handy. And useless. She just wanted to play with technology and see what she could do. And she did it. She's also currently experimenting with Nanobots. She had a theory that needed to be tested. It was going to take some time though. She wasn't in a rush though. All in it's time.

Momo walked next to the smiling Shino. Still in good spirits she noted. Momo refused to look at Shino. That smile she wore was full of smugness. On the entire elevator ride Shino had teased her to no end. She knew exactly what would embarrass her busty girlfriend and she took full advantage of it. Momo wanted to be mad at her, but alas she couldn't. At least not for long. It was hard to stay mad at Shino. For one Shino doesn't like an angry Momo and would beg for forgiveness with the most innocent face. Secondly Shino just made her want to smile whenever she's around. Shino is weird and does weird things and it is funny. Maybe she does it on purpose.

The two stopped at a pair of massive doors. Shino wondered why doors needed to be uncomfortably huge. Shino dismissed her thoughts and pushed the door open.

"Hey Mom" She saluted lazily as she stepped into her mother's office. The office was overlooking the city in all its glory. Shino sometimes liked to come to work with her mother for the view alone.

"Hello Mrs. Kiddo" Momo greeted politely

"You're both right on time" Nico beamed, happy to see the two. She shuffled behind her desk and retrieved a little piece of paper. She looked over it and handed it to Shino. "And Momo call me Nico"

"Ah, well it's a bit odd? "

"Nonsense. We've known each other long enough and Mrs. Kiddo is a mouthful. It also makes me feel old"

Shino snickered and caught a glare from her mother.

"Read the note"

Shino glanced back at the note. There wasn't much written on it, but the signature was instantly familiar. Immediately the words on it struck her.

"They're going to attack? " Shino read the letter again. She wasn't shocked about the news. She knew the league would attack. What shocked her was the fact that someone warned her mother before hand. And not just someone. She knew this signature and writing style very well. How long had it been since they last saw each other?

"I was confused at first and didn't know if I should believe it or not. I still don't really" Nico looked troubled.

"Definitely believe it. I doubt they'd give you false info. They're not like that " Shino stuffed the note in her pocket. Things were going to get frenzied very soon.

"They? You know who wrote this? "

"I know the writing. And I know the person although I doubt I can say who. Not now. " Shino was being cryptic. Very cryptic. It was clear to Nico and Momo that she did not want them to question her further. Whoever this person is she trusts them. That's good enough for them.

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