chapter 42

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It was almost sun set when the two made it back to the amusement park. The reason for that was Shino's constant stopping and stores she found interesting. Most of them were music stores and restaurants selling any sweets. Her jovial mood remained. It was obvious to Momo that Shino was planning something. What it was she didn't know. She was curious none the less.

"Shino what are you planning? "Momo asked as she fell in step with Shino. She was making a straight line to the ferris wheel. She seemed really intended on riding that thing. Momo wondered where her obsession over the ride suddenly came from. Maybe it was just her love of being in the air.

"You like romance movies, don't you Momo? " Shino asked, although she already knew the answer to that question. She busied herself with the boy minding the ride. She's a natural when it comes to negotiating. She always knows what to say. How to say it and when to say it. All it took was a few complimenting words and some extra cash. Just like that Shino got the ferris wheel for thirty minutes. It would just be her and Momo.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you"

Shino motioned for Momo to follow her into one of the cars. Once they were both inside it was set into motion. The two sat opposite each other. Shino seemed perfectly relaxed while Momo was squirming in her seat. Shino was staring at her with that teasing smile. Her hand was in her pocket, playing with the boxes she stored there.

"So, Momo. You're the romantic movie expert. Tell me what's so special about ferris wheels at sunset" she leaned forward supposedly curious. In her new position her smile was hidden behind her scarf.

"I wouldn't call myself an expert I just like them" Momo was beginning to feel self-conscious. Shino was just staring at her with those eyes. Her gaze was... It was... Momo didn't know how to explain it or decipher it. It was a new emotion or two. One she hadn't seen in those eyes before.

There was also the familair amusement.

The ferris wheel at sun set. It was also one of the romance cliches. Although it isn't used as often as the others. There are a couple of things that the scene is used for. But it is often used for confessions. First dates. First kiss.

And that's what Momo told her.

Shino hummed and finally looked away from Momo. Her attention was turned to the sunset. Her look was pensive.

"I still don't get romance movies. There is always a sunset. Why is it so special in the ferris wheel? " Shino was genuinely curious.

It was Momo's turn to stare. Shino was like that. There are somethings about human emotions that she doesn't understand. Or is it the way humans behave. It could be both. This is Shino after all. In all honesty Momo didn't know how to answer her question. She figured that it just brings a romantic atmosphere. Just two people in the sky with the beautiful sunset in the background. Now she couldn't get it either.

Leave it up to Shino to make her question movie scenes.

"I've got a question " Shino's attention was back on Momo. Momo met her gaze and immediately looked away. She had that look again.

"What is it? " Momo had to try very hard not to fidget under Shino's gaze.

Shino retrieved one of the boxes from her pocket. She rolled it around in her palm before opening it.

"Tell me, what do you think of this? "

The box contained a bracelet. It appeared to be made out of silver. Upon closer inspection Momo discovered that it was made out of white gold. It glimmered in the sun giving it an alluring appeal. It had small patterns adorning it. The thing that caught Momo's attention was the heart that connected it. It had small diamonds inside and a key hole.

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