"I-" words refuse to escape from my mouth. Michael looks at me with an eyebrow raised, as if waiting for an answer. "I don't have to answer that."

"And that is because...?"

"I don't have to answer that too." Michael sighed, as if given up in the conversation. I blankly smile at my victory as Michael sets the documents down and heads for the door.

"Well, I'll have to remember to mention you to the duke." My heart leaped.


"You are obviously in need of assistance."

"Why do you care?"

"I care about everything."

"I was lost!" 

Michael laughed at my response, shaking his head. "No you weren't, Eden." 

I was completely speechless, he knew my name, so why didn't he know I was William's fiancé? Before I could respond he smiled from over his shoulder at me and exit the room. There is something he was hiding, but what? I take the key and head out the office too, closing the doors behind me. I will try and break in at night, when everyone's asleep. That way I'll have more time without many interruptions. All I could do was hope that Michael wouldn't report it to the duke.

The dining room was the same as it was yesterday, the tiles glimmering along with the finely polished plates that serve our food.

"Your quite late." I turned to the voice and found the duke staring at me. His expression was guarded as if he knew better than to give anything off about yesterday to anyone in the room.

"I'm sorry, but I'm sure that I have arrived quite earlier than yesterday." I said calmly. I saw William raise an eyebrow from the corner of my eyes, probably amused at my sudden behaviour. I turn to him and sit on the chair I was in yesterday. Sophie looked from the duke then her eyes travelled to me, as though she wanted to say something. With a nod from the duke, Sophie opened her mouth and started talking.

"I was thinking that maybe me and Eden can enjoy the view outside the palace, what do you think? After all, today I don't have to attend the Labour Party with the women back at Freda's, they came down with the flu."

I saw William stiffen beside me. "I'm sure it's just the common flu." The duke interrupted. "I have made a good choice for involving William with the plague difficulties, he has been working on." He smiled slightly, although it was capable of sending chilling feelings down my spine. His eyes came to my direction. "And Eden, it seems my brother is having a difficult time coping with you, do I need to contact your late schools principle to sort it out entirely?" He said, raising one of his eyebrows in advance. I tried with my might to put on a calm feeling. But for some reason I feel like I have missed Miss Audrey and my late life. But I can't seem rebellious or it would otherwise make people see me unfit as duchess, and maybe my plans would be ruined.

"I'm sure he has been in a fowl mood, but Eden have yet for the upcoming exams." Sophie said in my place. I look toward her, but I don't see the Sophie that I had spent my past with, instead I see a completely different Sophie who has been tamed. This is not the Sophie I feel comfortable around anymore.

The duke kept his gaze on me, expecting an answer. "I'm sorry, I will try my best to achieve advanced expectations." I don't look anywhere but at the plate on the table before me.

I look towards William and find him staring at me, smiling slightly at the corner of his left lip. I smile back, knowing that I'm blushing slightly. His amazing ocean blue eyes boring into mines further every second and his growing light brown hair was more than enough to make his eyes stand out. How long has he kept his gaze? Where was he yesterday? Was the duke talking about him with Michael? I had so many unanswered questions lingering, with no other place to be rather than in my mind, standing out.
Once dinner was over and everyone was back with their duties, William mentioned that he had work to be getting on to and left before us, I finished afterwards before Sophie gets the chance to take me out. I wanted to answer the questions first for my day to go well when I go out, tasting a part of freedom that I have never felt before. I wonder what freedom is like.

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