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Now I know that he just wants to be saved from getting married to a girl. Right Now I want to laugh because it's very an old style.

Arrange marriage and then eventually they will fall to each other. It's funny because it just happens on a story but not in real life especially when the bride is still under age and the groom was already on his 20's.

That was so freaking old and not real. If in that case will never be allowed to get married in real world because it's against. That just happens to a story that made by humans imaginations.
I didn't say anything anymore untill we got into the office.

I was surprised when the women before is now here again. So it means that I should act like Ezriel's fiance or girlfriend and that is bullshit.

Okay act like his real fiance. You can do it. You used to this before so why not do it right now, even if it's risky then go. if it happened again then at least you experienced it again and will got hurt again in the end.

It's not or never I will do it. I smiled and then walk towards and to Ezriel.

"good afternoon"

I greeted them with a smile and went closer to Ezriel to kiss him on the cheeks then turned to his Auntie.
Fernand just watched us and observed to what is happening. Why suddenly like this.

"good afternoon too"

Said by her and turned to Fernand then to Ezriel.

"okay since you are here now I'll go now bye."

She said then leave. Fernand was left alone with us.

"what's with the show?"

He asked and went to Ezriel. I just go to my table and never did mind them talking about the acting thingy that just happened a while ago. Even though I was also involved.

"owh. Come on man. You don't have to do that for Pete's sake. You two well surely fell on your own bait"

He is right. That was, I was saying. It's not good because I'm not good for him. I will just bring him down and got him into trouble and danger that's why I'm disagree to this kind of settlement.

I don't want to involve anyone to my messed life.

My heart suddenly felt hurt. This feeling was a bit heavy. What is this all about?. I don't get it.

"you don't have to remind me about that. I know that possibility could happen between me and her."

He said. Fernand shook his head in this belief and turned his head to me then back to Ezriel because of what he said. Even me got stopped for a moment.

"If it happens then I won't regret of doing that plan".

His words hit me. It makes my heart beat faster and I don't like the feeling. What the hell is he saying.

That is not true of course.

"well if that's what you want then fine. It's your Choice after all"

Fernand said and walked towards the door and tell us his goodbye then leave after.

I wa left alone again with him and I don't know why do I felt uncomfortable after what I heard from him.

Is he nuts?. He shouldn't said that. He don't know it will turned his world and self down.

It's a risky thing that he wouldn't understand but only me. He don't know how this affect me.

How his words a while ago affects the nerve of me.

QUIEN ERES, AMOR MISTERIOSO. - (Sinners Series #2). Where stories live. Discover now