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I stopped staring and deep thought as she sharply moved slightly.

I observed her first before approaching. She slowly open her eyes then look around then our gaze met.

I was dumbfounded for a moment by her because I did not think that the color of her eyes was so beautiful and the beauty she possessed.

She was also staring at me so I couldn't help but marvel at her.

the color of the eyes that sparked, the ocean blue eyes that really fit to her and her natural reddish lips that it feels so soft.

I stopped when she spoke.

"¿Dónde estoy?"

=(where Am I?)

"hospital" I simply said to her.

She looked away from me and turned to the window and her attention was seriously focused there and approached me not giving me a glance.

"are you okay now?"

I ask her while walking towards her but she didn't glance at me. she answered my questions while her full attention is still on the window.


I took a heavy sigh before I ask another question.

"so how are you feeling right now?"

"I'm definitely fine"

She coldly said, But this time she glance at me. I swallowed before speaking again.

"by the way, what happened to you?. I saw you running with a rush and I suddenly smack you but don't ya' worry there's no infected at any part of your body"

I said then put my hands on my pocket and look at her straight.

"what Am I doing here?" she ask then look around again then her gaze stop to me.

"just like what I said a while ago."

I simply answered her. I was about to speak again when suddenly there was a knock on the door that interrupted us, and it opened. The nurse's face looked up and then he entered when he saw that the patient was awake.

"excuse sir, ma'am. Ahmm... Ma'am may I ask what is your name?"

The nurse ask her but she just gave him the stare that gives awkwardness to the nurse. So he turned to me and was about to ask, But before he could say anything The patient paused him.

"I'm Mary Khiella.......... Avadell."

She said so we both looked at her. The nurse smiled and approached her after. he wrote the name of the woman I bumped into earlier.

He checked if the patient was okay then he listed everything then turned to me.

"Ahm ... Bueno ... Señor. La paciente está bien. Puede irse ahora"

           TRANSLATION:[ ahm.. Well.. Sir. The patient is fine. she can go now].

"Tengo que irme señor, señora. Los dejo aquí"

          TRANSLATION : [I gotta go sir, Ma'am. I'll leave you two here].

The nurse said and then she walk out of this room.

I moved closer towards the bed and approached the woman sitting on the hospital bed.

"so your name is Khiella what a nice name huh. "

I said But she did not respond.

Wait. where do I take her?. I don't know where she live.

"where do you live? I'll take you there".

QUIEN ERES, AMOR MISTERIOSO. - (Sinners Series #2). Where stories live. Discover now