Chapter 14- Neji's a Girl Now

Start from the beginning

I took her frozen yogurt and brought it to the register.

"Hey!" She yelled. "That's mine!"

"Yes." I replied. "And I'm paying for it."

"What, why?"

"It's just ice cream Tenten. Besides. You've been good to my cousin while she was in the infirmary. So I owe you."

She sighed. "Fine. And.... thanks." I handed her back her ice cream, and we began the five-ish minute walk back to the nurse's office.

As we walked, I slowly ate my ice cream in one hand and held Hinata's 'to go' cup in the other. Tenten had somehow managed to guzzle her whole ice cream cup in like, 20 seconds. I swear, she could eat that shit faster than Naruto ate his ramen.

"What?" She smiled at me kind of guiltily. "I'm hungry..."

"We just ate dinner."

She scoffed. "Well dessert goes to a different place. Everyone knows that."

I laughed at her absurd statement. "It all goes to the same place Tenten."

"Does not!"

"Does too."


This argument continued until we reached the nurse's office, where we saw a slightly confused Hinata, who was probably wondering why we were arguing.

"What's going on guys? I h-heard you arguing from down the hall..."

Me and Tenten both looked at each other, and then laughed. "Oh, it's nothing Hinata. Here we brought you ice cream." I said.

Her face suddenly lit up. "R-really?"

Tenten smiled smugly. "Of course! It's your recovery present."

Hinata smiled gratefully. "Thanks guys." She then started digging into her ice cream as Tenten and I filled her in on the events of the day.

"Oh, so apparently Karin and Ino had a spat today at their cheer practice, I wish I had seen that, oh and Sasuke reads Ino's gossip blog, that Sakura just found out existed today, and me too actually, but anyway, Lee fell on top of Neji at soccer practice and it was really funny, here I have a picture, the math test wasn't that bad, oh and Neji got mistaken..."

I cut Tenten off from finishing that statement with a glare. "Anyways Hinata, are you ready to go?" I asked.

"Yes. Let me just check in with Shizune-sama first."

Shizune came over a few minutes later. "Okay Hinata, you're good to go. Just don't do anything dangerous, and don't focus your eyes for too long. I told your teachers that you have permission to excuse yourself from class and take a break if you need to."

Hinata nodded. "Thank you so much."

Tenten and I grabbed Hinata's stuff and all of the candy and cards she had gotten from our friends. I picked up a book on the table, I gasped in shock.

"Hinata! What are you doing reading stuff like this!"

She and Tenten just laughed. I still didn't get my answer, but whatever.

I walked up to Tenten and Hinata's room and dropped their stuff off, getting a couple flirty glances from the girls that I walked by. Ugh. I hate walking through the girls' side. And now I have to do it alone, which is even worse.

I walked as quickly as I could back to my dorm before any girls could stop me and closed the door behind me, panting slightly.

The Uchiha looked up. "Um, you good?"

"Ugh. I was on the girls' side just now."

His eyes widened. "Ohhhh. Got it." He paused, then he smirked. "Doing what?"

"What do you mean? You know what I was doing."



"Is who you were doing, right?" His face had that classic Uchiha smirk on it. 

I scoffed. "Oh, shut up."

"Well, you guys were gone for kind of a while... I was just wondering is all..." He smirked triumphantly.

"Oh please." I said, plopping down on my bed. "What about you and Sakura, huh? It's pretty obvious that you like her."

The Uchiha glared at me. Haha. Victory. "No I don't. You're just imagining things." He said, but his face told me all I needed to know. I laughed to myself and started getting ready for bed.

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