Chapter 11- Soccer Time!

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Tenten's POV

It was the next day, and I was visiting Hinata in the hospital after school.

"So how's the concussion going?" I asked her.

"Oh. It's alright, but I get so bored. All I can really do is eat and sleep. But I've had a lot of people visit, which is nice."

I noticed all of the gifts on the side of Hinata's bed. I had come by and brought her candy earlier, which was no longer there. (I assume she ate it). However, there was a bunch of candy (I had presumed from everybody else) and a rather large note from Naruto that read "I AM SORRY. PLEASE FORGIVE ME. GET WELL SOON, THANKS. -NARUTO." (In the worst handwriting ever I might add). Another notable addition was an orange book with a man and woman running on it. I read the title aloud.

"Itcha Itcha Paradise?" I asked her.

She kind of laughed. "Oh, ya... Kakashi-sensei lent it to me. I guess he thought it would help me pass the time, but I can't read with my concussion, and that book is a little graphic, so..."

I skimmed through the pages. "Ew, Kakashi-sensei, what were you thinking?" I started to read some of the lines to Hinata. We both laughed way too hard at the nastiness written within, until Shizune came in and we were forced to keep our conversation PG.

"What time is your soccer practice?" Hinata asked when we had finally grabbed a hold of our laughter.

"Oh it's at 5, but it's already 4:30, so I should probably go and get there a little early."

"Oh okay. Bye then!"

"Bye! I'll stop in after dinner and tell you how it goes!" I waved bye to Hinata and started toward the locker rooms. I had to say I was a little nervous although I would never admit that.

I quickly got changed and headed toward the soccer field. I was about ten minutes early, and it seemed like there was a cheer practice going on. The cheerleaders use the soccer field?

I spotted Ino hopping around doing her cheerleader thing, and waved once she saw me. Some of my hopefully-future-teammates started to surround the field, waiting for the turnover and also watching the cheerleaders, somewhat creepily.

"HELLO. YOU MUST BE TENTEN. CORRECT? I AM THE YOUTHFUL ROCK LEE." I felt an arm on my shoulder as he spoke. I turned around to find the bushy-browed boy VERY close to my face. I slowly removed the arm.

"Um. Hi, ya. And, I'm gonna have to ask you to back up. Thanks." Lee simply stood in the same place. Still grinning widely. "Hmm okay. Nevermind then." I gave up.

It seemed like the cheerleaders were finally exiting the field, and Neji called us over for the start of practice. "Okay team. Today is the first day of practices. We're gonna work on basic drills, and over the next couple of weeks we will prepare for our first game against Suna." A couple people booed at the comment about Suna, especially a boy with brown hair and red cheek marks, who I later came to know as Kiba. "Today, we have a new member." Neji pointed to me. "This is Tenten. She will possibly join the team if she can keep up."

I scowled. Of course I'll keep up. Does he have to be such a jerk about it. Man, I want to pull out his perfect hair. Wait, did I just say that?

Throughout the practice, I proved I could do more than keep up. In fact, I think the only people who were solidly better than me were Lee and Neji. Kiba was up there but he was a goalie and no one cares about them anyways so whatever. A couple times I caught Neji watching me practice. I smirked to myself. Yesss. Watch me totally own the rest of your team you white-eyed little bitch boy.


"Uh thanks!" I said awkwardly. "You're really good too actually. I didn't expect you to be that fast."

"THANK YOU. IT IS AN HONOR." He bowed, and then made his way over to where some of the other guys were walking.

Wow. I think 50% of this school is crazy. Hmmm. Nah. Make that 60%.

I spotted Neji walking a couple meters ahead of me, and ran to catch up with him.

"Soooo....." I asked. "Am I on the team?"

He gave a grunt. "Ya. You're on. Be here at 5 every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Our games start in three weeks and will be on Mondays."

"Sick!!!" I exclaimed as I ran back to the locker room. I turned to face him while running. "Thanks Neji!" As I turned back around, I caught the slightest sight of a smirk.

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