"He is. Aren't you?" Fred replied, looking from his brother to Magnolia's.

"What?" Harry asked, confused.

Magnolia knew where this was going though. This was the beginning of Harry's fame at Hogwarts.

"Harry Potter. He's Harry Potter." Magnolia replied, sounding too bitter for her liking.

As the twins gawped at Harry, Magnolia made a mental note to not act so bitterly towards her brother for this. It wasn't Harry's fault that he was well known, and Magnolia wasn't known at all.

"But- then, who are you? You said he was your brother." George asked Magnolia.

Magnolia felt herself go bright red in that moment. No, she was right. She would definitely treat Harry better, she was already blushing at the attention, and this was one person. Harry couldn't enjoy this at all. Magnolia was about to answer, but a voice floated through the train's door, the voice of the boy's mother calling them.

The twins left quickly, glancing once more at Magnolia and Harry before though. Magnolia flopped into the seat as Harry shut the door to the compartment and let Kaida out of her carrier. The part Kneazle kitten immediately crawled onto Magnolia's lap and curled up, promptly falling back to sleep as Magnolia stroked her. The train started moving shortly after that, so Magnolia got comfy for what she imagined would be a long ride.

"Anyone sitting here?"

Magnolia glanced up to see another of the red-haired children, Ron, at the compartment door. As Harry replied, Ron came in and sat down, staring at Harry's forehead and quickly out of the window when he noticed Magnolia watching him. The three sat in an uncomfortable silence for a while after that. Magnolia was starting to think that maybe she should say something, anything, to end the silence but was beaten to it when Ron seemed to explode.


He spoke so fast, Magnolia imagined he must have been having an internal battle about whether to ask or not. Next to her she saw Harry nod with a small smile, he must have been thinking the same as Magnolia who was trying not to laugh at the outburst. Ron turned red in front of their eyes with embarrassment.

"Oh. Sorry. I thought it was just one of Fred and George's jokes. They do it all the time. I didn't realise-." Ron glanced up at Harry's forehead again. "Have you really got the... the you know."

Harry pushed his fringe back with his hand, showing Ron his lightning bolt scar. Magnolia didn't think she'd get used to people being so curious about her brother's scar, she was so used to it before and now it just meant something completely different. Now it was the scar he received from the maniac who killed her parents. It wasn't so innocent as it used to be and now it made her uneasy every time she saw it.

"This is my sister, Magnolia." Harry introduced.

"Yeah, George said you had a sister. It was weird, my mum looked so shocked I thought she was going to cry!"

After that, conversation became a lot easier for the trio. Harry asked questions about how Ron grew up; all the Weasley's were wizards so he had a very different upbringing then the twins. Especially as Ron had six siblings. Magnolia couldn't imagine what that would have been like. It had always been her and Harry, they were so close that they didn't even have to speak to know what the other was thinking or feeling. Is that what it was like for all siblings, no matter how many of you there were? Or was it a twin thing? Or was it simply because of how they'd grown up?

At lunch time, there was a knock at the compartment's door and a small older lady open it. She was pushing a trolley full of sweets like the ones Magnolia had seen in the sweet shop window in Diagon Alley. Ron look down when she came in and produced a squashed sandwich from his jacket pocket when asked if they wanted anything. Magnolia glanced at Harry, who sent her the same look and pulled a handful of coins from his pocket.

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