Chapter 42

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Jaxon POV

It had been two weeks. Two godawful weeks since Jasmine miscarried our baby. This was a loss that completely blind sided me; I wasn't prepared for it at all. It was obvious that I wanted that child with every fiber in my being but life had other plans. It was a huge wake up call to remind me that life wasn't fair and it could fuck you over at moment. God, I wished I atleast knew if we were having a boy or girl.

As expected, Jasmine was taking this harder than me. It was painful for me to watch how much she was spiraling into a deep depression all over again. Losing this baby changed her dramatically. You could see the drastic changes in her demeanor and aura. I didn't expect her to be her usual upbeat self right away, but I also didn't expect her to be almost lifeless. She shut her emotions down entirely.

This was much much worse than her last depression cycle. According to Megan, this time she wasn't eating, drinking, or speaking with anyone. All she did was lay around and sleep all day while she locked herself away for hours on end. As her boyfriend, I was trying my best to be her support system during this difficult time but I was also grieving and she wasn't making this easy.

About a week ago, Jasmine stopped answering my phone calls and texts messages. When I tried going over to her house, she would refuse to open her room door. Everyday, her behavior was spiraling more and more out of control and I was becoming endlessly worried for her.

How did our lives end up like this? What was happening to us? I loved this woman so much it hurt. But every chance life got hard, she didn't hesitate to shut me out and I couldn't deal with this anymore. These were times that we should be leaning on each other more than ever but Jasmine seemed to have the opposite thought process.

By the end of week two with no response from Jasmine, I was fed up and enough was enough. I called Megan with an intervention plan. There was no way I could continue to sit by and watch Jasmine spiral out of control. Jasmine wasn't going to simply wake up one day and be Okay. No, Jasmine's depression was real and she needed to get professional help.

After speaking about the best course of action, Megan and I eventually came up with a plan. I camped out at her house while we waited for Jasmine to finally emerge from her room. At some point she needed to come out of her room to eat and drink water. And when that time came, we would implement our intervention.

The fact that it took almost 48 hrs before we finally saw Jasmine emerge from her room spoke volumes. Two freaking days before she ventured out of her cave. That was two days too many. We were downstairs when Jasmine strolled into the kitchen to retrieve water before she planned to head back into her dungeon lair. As soon as I saw her, I got up off of the coach and approached her cautiously. Jasmine stood frozen in the kitchen when she saw me approach. She just stared at me without saying a word.

"Jasmine, can you please come and sit with Megan and I out in the living room. We're worried about you and we just want to talk." Jasmine continued to eye me with a blank stare without saying anything. So I continued.

"Jas, I know this is hard. It's hard on me also. We love and care for you deeply but we're also worried for you. Please can you come and sit with us for a few minutes so that we can talk this out." I could've sworn that I was talking to myself because the only reaction I received from Jasmine was another blank stare. I even thought for a minute that maybe she didn't hear me. But after a long minute of just looking at me, she sighed and walked towards me and then past me into the living room. My heart rejoiced at my small victory. There, Megan was already sitting on the coach when Jasmine walked in and sat down in the love seat across from her.

"What?" She finally asked bluntly without any emotion. Was this even the same woman I fell in love with? Megan spoke up first.

"Jasmine, I know this is a very difficult time for all of us and especially for you. I can't imagine what you're feeling or going through by losing a child."

A Thin Line between Love and HateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora