Chapter 15

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My heart nearly stopped beating when I saw Darnell walk through the back door of the house. Why the hell was he here?? I didn't invite him? I tried to school my face so that I didn't seem upset. For most people, seeing their significant other usually brought them joy. For me, seeing Darnell always brought me dread and fear.

I knew how Darnell was and if he felt disrespected, he didn't hesitate to make a scene. So I made sure to plaster on a fake smile that seemed too in-genuine. We've spoken briefly since the incident and he has done nothing but try to reassure me that he's a changed man. It didn't matter. I still didn't trust that he had changed. It would take time.

Darnell strolled up to me and gave me a long hug. I stiffly hugged him back.

"Taaadaaaa!" Marcy says as if she gave me the gift of a life time. The only thing she gave me was more confusion on how the hell she got him here.

As Darnell is hugging me, I look towards Megan who's just staring a hole into the back of Darnell's head. She looks to be in disbelief. I dared to move my gaze over to Jaxon and his once cheerful playful manner is now serious. He looks to be on high alert. The rest of my friends are clueless. They don't know the toxic history I have with my boyfriend. I just wanted one weekend with only my friends and without him stressing me out. But now he was here. Fuck my life. This weekend was supposed to be my reprieve from the parts of my reality that have been causing me  pain. Darnell was apart of the reality that I wanted to runaway from but now he was here.

Why would Marcy invite him? How did she even know to invite him? When did they become acquainted? So many questions we're running through my mind. I eased out of the hug and looked at Darnell. He had a smile plastered on his face.

"Hey baby, I've missed you." He leaned in again and tried to kiss me on my lips but I moved my face just in time for him to kiss my cheek. He eyes me with his eyes squinted and he's trying to read me. I don't know what to say to him. I hoped he would just drop the obvious curb I just gave him. I was soo confused. Yes, I know I made up my mind that I wanted to work on the relationship but I wish I had this weekend to marinate and be Ok with my decision. I'm not there yet mentally, and I definitely don't have the desire for any PDA with this man. Not to long ago he had me in a chokehold. I didn't want to be affectionate with him in any capacity yet. He needed to win my heart back and I haven't had that serious talk with him on what that entailed.

Jaxon cleared his throat.
"Hey Jasmine, can you come help me grab a few things from inside?" I eyed him before putting on a smile for Darnell. I knew he wanted to speak with me without prying eyes.

"Oh yeah, your mom did ask me earlier. I'll be right back babe. I'm happy you're here." I say and give Darnell a reassuring hug to hold him over. He holds onto my hands as I walk away and I let it slide out of his grasp. He eyes Jaxon suspiciously before looking at me and smiling.

I walk away with Jaxon and we head into the study downstairs, away from prying eyes. No one knew about Darnell physically attacking me the other day except for Jaxon and that was a secret we shared. I assumed that was why Jaxon was so concerned. He knew I wasn't really ok in Darnell's presence as of yet. Once alone, I start to hyperventilate. Jaxon holds my back gently.

"You're ok Jasmine, just breath in through your nose and out through your mouth." I breathed like that for several minutes before I felt a little better.

"Are you ok?" He asks gently.

"Do I look ok Jaxon? Really? This is your fucking girlfriends fault!" Now I was angry.

"Calm down Jas. You're overreacting."

"Fuck you Jaxon. Don't tell me to calm down when my fucking abusive boyfriend is outside." Jaxon's jaw ticks with anger.

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