Chapter 31

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Jaxon's POV

I was out to dinner with Marcy and I couldn't help but just stare at this evil woman. She smiled back at me and I almost laughed out loud. This woman was genuinely delusional; she really thought I was admiring her beauty when in actuality I was trying to figure her out. The fact that she was so OK with this fake ass relationship spoke volumes to me. It confirmed how crazy she really was. Even though I literally gave her the bare minimum of my time and attention, she took that tiny ounce of attention and ran with it like it was the biggest gift she had ever received. 

On my mothers life, I never called this woman, I never texted this woman, and I definitely never spoke about her around my friends. The only time I did anything with her was when she threatened me, like tonight. She was notorious for dangling that god awful sex tape of Jasmine over my head to manipulate me into doing things that I despised. I balled my fists together just thinking about it.

I took a sip of my water as I thought about this entire situation. I never told Jasmine about the tape that Marcy had on her because I knew if she found out about it, she would probably have a dramatic melt down. Plus, I didn't want Jasmine to have to worry about some shit that I could handle myself.  I swear to god I would do anything to protect Jasmine, even if it meant I had to deal with the devil himself. In this case, the devil was a woman and her name was Marcy. I smirked slightly. 

If I was being completely honest with myself, dealing with Jasmine all my life already prepared me for when I came toe to toe with someone like Marcy. And the good thing about it was, I haven't lost a battle yet. The devil on my shoulder appeared to discourage me: Technically Jasmine already left your ass. That sure sounds like losing to me. But then the angel on my shoulder gave me a valuable reminder: You aren't done with her yet so that doesn't count.

"Jaxon, hellooo???" I shook my head out of my thoughts as I begrudgingly focused my eyes on Marcy. "Where you even listening to me?" She asked all upset.

"No." I said truthfully. I could honestly say, when it comes to Marcy, I didn't care one ounce about how she felt.

"You're such an ass." She stated flustered. I stared at her blankly before I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. Saved by the bell. I gladly turned my attention to my phone and looked at the collar id before answering.

"That better not be that skank." Marcy said spitefully but I ignored her. Nothing she said would  matter at all after this weekend if my plans went correctly. I almost smiled at my thoughts, it felt good to know that I finally came up with a plan that would get rid of her for good. I put the phone to my ear. 

"Hey Megan, what's up?" I asked.  Marcy eyed me suspiciously. "Nope, I'm not busy at all." I answered quickly while smirking in Marcy's direction. Being with Marcy didn't count as me being busy ever. I glanced in her direction and saw that her veins began to pop out of her forehead. I loved seeing the anger creep into her face as she waited impatiently for me to hang up the phone. I didn't. I continued to listen to Megan, her voice sounded lower than usual and unsure.

"Hey Jaxon, I have to tell you something extremely important and I'm not sure how to say it." My sister sounded strange. I couldn't tell if she was worried? Upset? Maybe Both? I tried my best to reassure her.

"Megs, you know you can tell me anything. I promise you it can't be worse than what I've dealt with in the past month and a half." I chuckled humorlessly at how my life dwindled to shit so drastically in less than 2 months. There was a long pause on the phone and that's when I knew I spoke too soon. I decided to go outside to take the rest of this call. 

Once outside, I made sure that my sister was still on the phone because she still hadn't said anything else to me. "Megan? What's up. Speak to me." I could hear her groan heavily into the phone before another long pause. 

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