Chapter 17

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Jasmine's POV
Today I was planning on having a sit down conversation with Darnell at one of our local restaurants. I saw Darnell sitting by the window as I walked up to Restaurant and my heart started to palpitate with anxiety.

In my head, I had planned so much that I wanted to say, but now that I was actually here, I began to panic

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In my head, I had planned so much that I wanted to say, but now that I was actually here, I began to panic. Could this relationship actually be salvageable?

Last night, when I spoke with my mom again, she reassured me that I was doing the right thing. But being here and seeing him in person, I wasn't totally convinced. "Leave him." Jaxon had said. And his words just kept echoing in the back of my head. I thought of Jaxon pleading with me to do better than this man. But my mother was convinced that Darnell was the ultimate package. Was I also convinced? I wasn't too sure about that.

When I strolled up to our table, Darnell saw me and his face instantly turned into a mesmerizing smile. It was his signature panty dropper smile that could enrapture any unsuspecting woman.

He hugged me tightly before pulling out my chair and helping me sit.
"Hey baby. Damn I'm lucky." He licked his full lips and I smiled.

"Thanks bae." I said with a small smile on my face. It was all I could muster up sitting next to someone who recently had their hands around my throat. We sat around for a little bit and spoke about random shit until I felt comfortable bringing up the elephant in the room.

"Darnell...we need to talk about our relationship."

"I know baby girl...I know I haven't been the best man that I know I can be. But I promise all of that is going to change."

"You put your hands on me." I say blandly. He closed his eyes as if ashamed.

"And I'm embarrassed by that. I regret it everyday."

"There's just so much going on in our relationship that's toxic. You've called me out of my name too many times. You accuse me of cheating regularly and you're manipulative." There I said it. I waited to see how he would react.

"I know baby. And I don't want to give an excuse but honestly, you know how work has been for me. I'm stressed. I work my ass off ten times as hard as my coworkers and I get half the rewards. I was going through somethings and I guess I felt like you weren't supportive enough and I was lashing out. I wanted you to be my ride or die and I wasn't getting that vibe from you."

"Then why do you want to be with me if I lack support?"

"I didn't mean it like that baby. We have history and I love you. I just need more effort from you."

" Regardless of my effort, I'm not your punching bag. It's called communication. If something is bothering you and you feel like I'm not around enough don't automatically assume I'm sleeping with everyone! How do I know you've even changed?" I sighed heavily and shake my head. I keep thinking about my moms words to give this man a try. But the more I say shit out loud and air out our dirty laundry, the more I want to call this whole thing quits. I continued.

"We've invested so many years and I don't want to waste my time with you Darnell. My parents are rooting for us. You're rooting for us. But I'm not so convinced that I'm rooting for us. Somethings are meant to fizzle out and end. How do I know in five years that you won't lash out at me for something that is out of my control? How do I know you'll be my protector and not my abuser?" Darnell doesn't say anything to my words for a long time. He's contemplating his next answer. His voice is two octaves lower now.

"You don't know baby. You will just have to trust me. And I know that it's a lot that I'm asking for but please. Baby. 3 years we've been at this." Yeah 3 miserable years, I thought. I reached out and held Darnell's hand.

"Trust is earned

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"Trust is earned."

"Give me 2 months to make you believe I've changed. I promise you won't regret it. And after those two months, you'll see I won't regress. I'm all in baby. I want you as my wife. I need you baby. I want you to be the mother of my children. You are it for me."
I thought of my moms advice again. She told me give this man another chance. She told me the black woman needed to be the black mans ally. I stared at Darnell for a long while trying to read him. Was he being truthful? I've always heard once a cheater always a cheater. Didn't that apply to abusers also?

I took a leap of faith.
"Ok Darnell. This is it, this is our final chance. If it doesn't work out this time, I'm done." With that being said, Darnell flashed me a kilowatt smile with his bright white Gucci Mane teeth. And I couldn't help but smile back.

 "Oh and baby?" Darnell was sipping water but looked up at my question

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"Oh and baby?" Darnell was sipping water but looked up at my question.

"How the hell do you know Marcy?" Darnell nearly spit all the water out his mouth before catching himself.  I squinted my eyes and observed him suspiciously.

"We're um...Facebook friends and I posted uh a picture of you the other day and than she umm...reached out to me." I stared at him as I watched him gulp. But than I shrugged my shoulders. This was going to be our new start right now and we would forget what we both did in the past. My mind brought up a memory of Jaxon briefly before I tucked that fucker back away. That memory was never to be remembered again.

"Ok. I'll take your word. But if you lie to me again, we are done. Stop talking to that bitch ASAP." He nodded his head.

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Who else is annoyed at Jasmine and her momma? 🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️

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