Chapter 27

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Jasmine's POV

One moment I was full of bliss and ecstasy and the next minute I felt all of that warmth and happiness stripped from me. I felt a great sense of loss as I was lifted roughly off of Jaxon and thrown hard, to the ground.

Darnell is as quick as lightening as he climbed on top of me, grabbing a fistful of my hair, and slamming my head into the dresser over and over again. I grabbed onto his arms and fought to get him off of me but it was of no use. He was way too big for me to take on.

"You fucking cunt! You fucking whore! I knew you were fucking that white boy. I swear to god I'm about to kill you." My heart slammed against my chest as blow after blow connected with the back of my head. I squeezed my eyes shut as the pain became unbearable. A gray haze started to cloud my mind as I struggled to twist out of Darnell's grip. Nothing I did was effective.

My mind wandered to thinking of Jaxon, hoping he could help get this maniac off of me. But I knew that Jaxon was probably no match for Darnell when he was this enraged. I closed my eyes tight, hoping this would end soon.

That's when I heard the click of a guns safety snap off before I heard Jaxon's low menacing voice.

"Touch her one more time and I'll blow your fucking head off!" Darnell immediately stopped whaling on me and relief flooded through my body. I laid there helplessly naked and exposed on the ground, looking like a bloody mess.

I finally opened my eyes and tried to focus. Jaxon stood stark naked with both hands on his gun. He didn't seem to be self-conscious or give a damn about his nudity. Instead, he exuded big DICK energy as he pointed a gun straight at Darnell's head.

As soon as Darnell turned around and saw the gun, he threw his hands up in surrender. I watched Darnell as he gradually stood up. The anger still simmered and burned in his eyes.

"What are you going to do white boy? Kill me over this dirty bitch?" Darnell turned his head towards me again and looked at me with complete disgust while giving me a nasty snarl. I shrunk away and pulled my knees up to my chest feeling helpless.

What the fuck did I get myself into? I knew this wasn't a good idea from the beginning but I ignored my common sense for some dick. Regret washed over me like a bucket of cold water. Lord knows I shouldn't have given into temptation. I gulped hard at the thought that Jaxon and I would keep on having problems as long as Darnell and Marcy were in the picture. This was a headache I didn't think I could manage; it was all too much to handle. If anything, this just confirmed why we couldn't be together.

I shook my head in disbelief at our situation before looking over in Jaxon's direction and watching how unwavering and determined he seemed. I knew what Darnell was capable of but Jaxon? Who was this man standing in front of me?

"Don't fucking look at her. Look at me!" Jaxon yelled angrily. Darnell peeled his eyes off of me slowly before looking in Jaxon's direction again.

"What are you going to do? Kill me? You're going to kill me over a whore?" Darnell chuckled humorlessly and I cringed. This wasn't how I pictured my day going. My head began to pound relentlessly.

Darnell stared at Jaxon in the eyes challenging him. Jaxon stared back for a few moments. Then, as if in slow motion, I watched as Jaxon squeezed the trigger on his gun.

"Baby no!" I yelled. But it was too late.


Without much hesitation, Jaxon shot a bullet right at Darnell's head.

"That's the only warning I'm giving you fuck boy! Don't touch her, don't look at her, and don't fucking speak to her! I need you to get your shit and leave RIGHT. Fucking. Now!" Jaxon commanded sternly as Darnell gave him the evil eye. Relief flooded over me as I looked at the bullet hole right above Darnell's head. That's when I completely realized that Jaxon wasn't playing any games.

With the disdain dancing in Jaxon's eyes, I knew he was capable of doing the unthinkable. And if I was being totally honest with myself, I knew it from the other day when I caught him holstering his gun in order to confront Darnell. This was something he's been itching to do. And right now, with Darnell beating up on me, Jaxon finally found the reason he's been looking for. My heart pounded wildly in my chest as I prayed he didn't do anything he would regret.

Darnell didn't look at me again. Instead he kept his hands up and slowly crept towards the door.

"You think that whore is yours?" He laughed evilly and lowered his voice. "Think again, there's no way I'm going to let this shit slide. Jasmine maybe a whore for the white man but she's always going to be my bitch. I promise you she'll be riding my dick tonight when you leave. You only warmed that pussy up for—." Darnell didn't even get a chance to finish his last statement. His taunting sent Jaxon over the edge.

"Ignore him Jaxon." I say weakly. But Jaxon either didn't hear me or he didn't care. Instead, in one quick flash, Jaxon took his pistol and whipped the fuck out of Darnell's face. I watched as copious amounts of Blood flew from his mouth. I cringed back in disgust. This wasn't good. My fairytale had completely turned into a nightmare.

Darnell was enraged. He regained his composure and reached out to grab a hold of Jaxon. At this point Darnell no longer cared that there was a gun involved. Both men struggled with one another as my heart screamed in complete anxiety.

I just knew that one of them was going to get shot. I began to pray. It was the only thing I could do in this situation as I sat curled up on the ground. Both men struggled back and forth for the upper hand. Fists flew as both men didn't hold back. I began screaming for them to stop but I might as well have been talking to myself.

Three shots rang out in what seemed like slow motion.

"Oh my God Jasmine!!!" I heard Jaxon scream out in fear.

"No baby girl. No! Please god no!" His voice was filled with emotion and shaky.

"You're going to be alright baby! Look at me!" I stared at him as my eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. What the hell was he talking about. I glanced at Darnell and he was just standing their looking like a stuck zombie; the blood drained from his face. He was staring at me crazily and when I looked in his eyes I saw a mixture of shock, fear, and concern. The gun finally fell out of his hands but he just kept standing there unmoving.

Jaxon was by my side now, and he was holding my head up.

"Baby you're going to be alright." He glanced back at Darnell. "Stop fucking standing there and call 911!" Darnell seemed to shake out of his daze as he grabbed the phone. I started to feel lightheaded which added to my confusion.

Jaxon began to hold my chest and that's when I glanced down and saw the pool of blood I was lying in. My eyes bulged out in shock as I finally realized why I felt so dizzy. My breathing became labored. I closed my eyes in order to concentrate on breathing properly but my lids suddenly started feeling heavy. Jaxon kept tapping my face, trying to keep me awake. I opened my eyes slowly, peering up at him. I watched as tears streamed down his face.

"Baby I got you. I'm so sorry. You're going to be ok." That was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

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