Chapter 25

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Jaxon's POV  *One week earlier.  The day right after Jasmine rejected him*

Marcy was truly something else. When I thought she couldn't get any worse she did. Soon after Jasmine rejected me, Marcy in boxed me on social media. It was the only way she could communicate with me since I already blocked her number. 

Marcy: Look at this gem I found. *Insert pornographic video* If you want to protect her, you'll meet me at Starbucks on 109th St tomorrow at 4:30pm. 

I was totally blind sided by her message. The contents of the video hit me like a ton of bricks. At no point in time did I ever expect to see a video of Darnell fucking Jasmine in my inbox. I nearly lost my fucking mind. After just a few seconds of the video playing, I turned it off and gripped my phone until the blood drained from my hands and my knuckles turned white. Gripping my phone was the only thing I could do to stop myself from throwing my phone across the goddamn room. That was absolutely one of the last things I ever expected or wanted to see. So many thoughts began to run through my mind. How recent was that video? And how the hell did Marcy get it? I swear to god, after this, I promised to never date online again. 

The next day, I begrudgingly met up with Marcy at the Starbucks. I even contemplated not going. But if she had a video like this, god only knew what she was capable of. I pulled out a chair and sat down while Marcy smiled at me devilishly. I could no longer see the beauty in this woman, all I saw was a demon. I didn't smile at her, I just sat down quietly waiting for her to explain.

Marcy leaned in and tried to grab my hands. I immediately pulled them out of her grasp and placed them under the table. 

"Hey baby. You look good." I don't say anything. I just stared at her with disgust. She exhaled loudly before placing a false smile on her face.

"I know your mad babe, but you have to understand I needed to get your attention anyway that I could." I'm still sitting silently waiting for her to get to the point. 

"Jaxon, I want us to be together. I need us to be together and if this is the only way I know how to get you then so be it. You need to stop being selfish and think about our child." I just stared at her, this bitch was truly delusional. I spoke slowly this time. I needed her to understand what I was saying to her. I stared her dead in her eyes before I spoke up.

"Marcy, listen closely to what I'm about to say to you. And I'm about to say it slowly so that it processes in your thick head. I. do not. want. to be. with you. That. baby. is not. my. baby. Leave me. and Jasmine. THE FUCK. ALONE!" After I said that, I observed her reaction to see if she actually understood the shit that just came out of my mouth. She didn't say anything so I began to push my chair out and get up. I had nothing else I needed to say. I thought I said how I felt pretty clearly. But Marcy grabbed my arm to stop me. Her voice was low and menacing.

"If you care about Jasmine, you'll sit down." The smile was gone from her face and she was more serious now. I sat down, worried that this wasn't going to end right. She cleared her throat as I stared at her, trying to read her.

"You don't understand Jaxon. I will go to any lengths to have my family together." She leaned in even closer towards me. "So here's the deal. We both know Jasmine has a decent level of fame on social media." She paused to read my reaction. I schooled my face to stay blank before she continued. "Now listen to what I'm going to say. And listen closely Jaxon because I'm not going to repeat myself." She mimicked me. "I. Will. release. Jasmine's sex video. across. the. entire internet. if you. walk away. from me." She leaned back and smiled mischievously as my heart sank. That would completely devastate Jasmine. It was NOT an option.

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