Chapter 1

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Jasmine's POVToday was a day that I was dreading beyond measure

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Jasmine's POV
Today was a day that I was dreading beyond measure. The reason? Jaxon Robinson! I was about to come face to face with the man that broke my heart, squashed it to pieces, shitted on it, chewed it up and then spit right on top of it with no remorse!

Yeah, was over ten years ago. But when your best friends brother fucks you over like that, it's not something you readily forget.

I remember it like yesterday.... Jaxon knew I had a major crush on him. And he used that against me. He made a bet to see if he could sleep with me and make me fall in love with him.

Earlier that school year, Megan, my best friend and Jaxon's twin sister, opened her big fat mouth and told him that I had a crush on him. She had major delusions about Jaxon and I getting together and me finally being a part of the family as her sister-in-law. In hindsight, I assume that that was why I was chosen to be the test dummy for his senior prank. Being naive certainly didn't help the situation at all. I easily fell right into his trap.

My only saving grace was that we didn't actually sleep together. Unfortunately, it wasn't because I suddenly used my common sense or that Jaxon suddenly grew a conscience. Nope!! The ONLY reason I was saved from further embarrassment was because Megan found out about her brothers plans before they could be executed. Ever since then, Jaxon was dead to me. There was no salvaging a friendship. He meant absolutely nothing to me!

I could honestly say, my taste in men evolved for the better since then. One, I needed a man with substance; a man that could provide for me and willing to take care of his family. And two, I needed a man that I could vibe with on a deeper level; a man that understood my trials and tribulations as a person of color and we could openly discuss issues relevant to us. Who else could do that except a black man which Jaxon was not! What I felt for Jaxon was fleeting at most. But even so, his actions still cut deep.

So it was no surprise that I was beyond anxious to be in the presence of someone so terrible.

"When will your annoying brother be here?" I say lazily while laying on the couch and writing down some ideas I have for YouTube.

"Well...about an hour ago, he told me he was getting into a cab. So I'm thinking he should be here any moment." As soon as Megan finished her sentence, the doorbell rang. Megan gave me a hesitant yet stern knowing look because she knows how I feel about her brother. He's an annoying, self-absorbed, prick and we clash every chance we get. But I promised her I would be on my best behavior as long as he kept out of my way. Megan got up to get the door for her brother while I didn't even bother. I was honestly dreading the next month. It would literally be like torture having to live with someone like Jaxon. We were like oil and water. But because I loved Megan, and I was such an awesome bestfriend/roommate, I grudgingly obliged her request to allow her brother to live with us for the next month. Jaxon was moving back to Florida to start a new job but his lease didn't start until December.

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