Chapter 9

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Jasmine and Marcy on the beach while vacationing at Megan's parents Beach house

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Jasmine and Marcy on the beach while vacationing at Megan's parents Beach house.


Jasmine's POV

We arrived to the Robinson's beach house and as soon as I entered the mansion, Cindy Robinson greeted me with arms wide open. I loved Megan's parents like they were my own. While Mr. Robinson was more reserved and serious, Mrs. Robinson was quirky and fun. She reminded me of a hippie with her bright Rihanna red hair that was cut low into a pixie cut. She usually wore some kind of flowing bohemian pants or skirt with large overbearing jewelry. On the other hand, Robert Robinson could usually be found in dark slacks and a dress shirt. He always looked like he was ready for work. He looked like an older version of Jaxon except with more silver hair than blonde these days. They were complete opposites and yet they were madly in love. Their love was reminiscent of the same love my own parents had for one another. It was great having the Robinsons so close by since my own parents retired half a year ago and I sent them on a year round cruise as a retirement present.

"Oh my darling girls. I'm soo glad you could make it!" Cindy exclaimed with a long kiss on both of our cheeks.
"Come in, come in. Drop your luggage and Karen will take them upstairs." I handed my things to Karen before trailing Cindy into the kitchen. The layout of the home was an open concept. From the spacious white kitchen you could see the living and dining room. Entering the kitchen, I spotted Robert Robinson sitting at the head of the modern counter-height dining table.
"Hey dad." Megan said.
"My girls. I'm glad to see you." He smiled. We each gave him quick hugs before turning our attention back to Cindy. Her dad wasn't much of a speaker. We spoke with Cindy for about half an hour. Just to catch her up on how we're doing. She brought up Darnell and I instantly shuddered. She wasn't aware of his violent nature.
"Well your brother and Marcy are upstairs. Make yourself at home. Go swimming or lounge around. Tomorrow we'll have the barbecue so I'm heading to the store to get last minute items." With that being said she hugged us again before leaving. I turned to Megan who was lost in her texting. I cleared my throat to get her attention.
"What do you want to do?" I asked.
"Lets go to the beach and we can finally chat about why Marcy came over and wanted to talk with you."

We went upstairs and quickly changed. I wore a vintage high-wasted white floral bathing suit while Megan wore a classic all white high-wasted swim. We threw on our mesh coverups, grabbed our things, and headed out.

The day was gorgeous. Blue skies and not a single cloud present. It was still early morning, around 8 am so the heat wasn't overwhelming yet. Instead, the breeze from the ocean air was refreshing as it blew threw my curly afro. I sat back on a lounge chair and got comfortable.

"Ok spill your guts young lady." I grinned at Megan. I loved leaving her in suspense. I couldn't help but laugh at seeing the irritation on her face.
"Ok, ok." I held my hands up in defense from her demanding nature.

*Flash back*

"So let me get this straight, you want to speak to me about my nonexistent relationship with Jaxon?" I laughed bitterly. " You're wasting both of our time and I don't have all day." Marcy eyed me with disdain. The feeling was mutual.

"If you would close your damn mouth for a second and hear me out, I'll explain." I wanted to beat her ass. But I refrained because my curiosity was peaked. "The other night Jaxon and I were being, you know....intimate.-" she paused briefly to gage my reaction. I had none so she continued. "And he called me Jasmine." There was a pregnant pause after that statement. Let me just say, yes I was flabbergasted, but at no point did I let my facade break. I just stared at her. My face giving no emotions. Marcy didn't need to know how shocked I was. She waited for a response from me. I shrugged.

"Okayyy? I don't know what you want me to say."

"I guess I want to know if he's cheating on me with you. Do you have something going on?" I was going to flat out deny that anything was going on between Jaxon and I but then she opened her dumb mouth again before I could.

"I mean, no offense, but look at you. There is no way I can see him cheating on me with you." Now I was heated. She loved trying my patience.

"Why are you even here if you know all of the answers? You just told me that Jaxon called my name while yall was fucking, right?- I winked- Yet you think he would never be with me if I gave him a chance? Honey, let me give you some advice, For 1, grow up. And 2, ask your man these questions because quiet frankly I'm not obligated to answer anything your asking me." With that I escorted her out of my house. She probably left with even more questions.

After relaying my encounter with Marcy to Megan I observed her reaction. Her jaw was literally on the floor and I couldn't help myself from laughing.
"Close your mouth Megan. You're so dramatic!" I stated while I chuckled.
"I mean, the level of cringe in that story was beyond what I was expecting." She shivers; adding another level of dramatic effects.
"Yeah I know. How do you think I feel knowing this information?"
"You should feel flattered." I rolled my eyes at her statement.
"More like creeped out."
"Are you going to ask him about it?" I sighed.
"I don't know. But I feel like after that conversation with Marcy, this weekend could get interesting. I'll just sit back and watch what happens."

Speaking of the devil. I watched as he walked down the beach. His girlfriend was nowhere in site. I unconsciously pulled down my shades to see him better.

Damn, he looked kind of good in the sun, I reluctantly admitted to myself

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Damn, he looked kind of good in the sun, I reluctantly admitted to myself. Megan cleared her throat and I looked over at her. She was staring at me with a sly smirk on her face.
"Nothing. It just looks like you like what you see." I groaned loudly.
"Shut up!" I sounded like a child. With that said, I put my glasses back on and continued to relax.



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