Chapter 39

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Jasmine's POV

I swear to god Marcy had no soul or conscience. All eyes were on her and everyone in the room seemed confused as hell. What just happened?  

Marcy tried to continue but as soon as she spoke again my mother cut her off by clearing her throat and everyone's attention narrowed on her. So now my mother wanted to speak up?  

"Alright, I think it's time for everyone to leave now." She stated but no one budged. She spoke up even louder for those in the back that pretended they didn't hear her. "I said, the party is over. It's time for everyone to leave." 

The crowd stood silent for a few moments longer before they eventually started slowly trickling out of the backyard. I didn't move a muscle. I continued to stare at my mother and like all the other times, she kept avoiding my eye contact. Once everyone was cleared out, only my parents, Jaxon's parents, and Marcy remained. My dad spoke up for the first time tonight.

"Maybe we should all head inside and clear this up." Marcy snorted sarcastically and rolled her eyes.

"Ya'll really want to talk about this? I don't think you guys can handle this truth." She said with a sarcastic attitude. I watched as my mother cut her eyes at Marcy and cleared her throat again to speak up.

"I think it's been one helluva day. We're all stressed out and on edge. How about we all call it a night and regroup tomorr-" I cut my mom off before she could finish. What kind of dumb suggestion was that?

"Nooo, how about we DON't do that and we all head inside and see," I nodded my head at Marcy before continuing. "What the fuck this bitch is talking about." Marcy laughed and I had the itch to run up on her and shove my fist down her throat. I wondered if she'd find that to be a joke also. 

Eventually, everyone followed my suggestion and headed inside. We all sat down in my parents living room without speaking. Everyone seemed so on edge, you could cut the air with a knife. I continued to watch Marcy's every move; I didn't trust that bitch. I watched as she cut her eyes to my mother before refocusing on the group. Don't look at her, look at me bitch. My mom can't save you.

 I was glad when Cindy, Jaxon's mom, spoke up first.

"Ok, so we can all agree that tensions are high right now but I encourage us to all have a listening ear before we jump down anyone's throat or else we'll be talking in circles." Everyone seemed to agree so she continued. "Marcy lets start with you. You were suggesting earlier that you were paid?" Marcy crossed her arms defensively over her chest and again looked at my mother for a moment too long before turning her attention back on Cindy. What was up with those glances towards my mother? Marcy finally spoke up.

"On second thought, I don't think that's such a good idea. Why should I tell any of you guys shit? I don't owe any of you an explanation." Marcy stood up to leave and I began to bight my bottom lip in order to hold in my spiteful thoughts. It was taking everything inside of my soul NOT to snap on her again. After everything we've been through because of her, this bitch should owe us her LIFE! 

That's when Jaxon stepped in. Everyday I thank the gods for him. He cleared his throat. "Don't you work for Coconuts Hair company?" Everyone seemed confused by his question but we all stayed silent. I was wondering where he was going with this.

Marcy's eyebrows instantly raised up with curiosity. "Yeah why? What's that have to do with anything?" Jaxon didn't say anything at first. Instead, he kept his eyes trained on Marcy. His blue gaze exuded an intensity that seemed to force Marcy to shift in her seat after seemingly feeling uncomfortable by his deep stare. Jaxon finally continued.

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