Chapter 3

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Darnell ^

Jasmine's POV

This morning I was determined to make sure it was nothing like yesterday. I left my room and began my morning routine after Jaxon left at 6:45 am. I had a lot planned for today. I had a wash and go tutorial for 4c hair that I needed to film, edit, and upload . After that I would head to get my weekly manicure and pedicure. In this line of work, my subscribers and viewers could be overly critical on appearances sometimes. I was a confident woman but sometimes the negativity could get to you.

As I'm reading some of the comments on some of my older uploads, I noticed several of the comments mention my boyfriend Darnell. We have been together for the past 3 years. After year one, I had to admit that things started to go down hill. I can't help but roll my eyes at the mention of his name. I honestly didn't know why I stayed with him. Deep in my heart, I knew the love I had for him wasn't enough to justify how he treats me on the regular. But then I think about wasting so much time with someone and then having to start all over again; it worried me. In the beginning of our relationship, he used to make several cameo appearances in my videos. He was a charmer and I think a lot of my subscribers loved seeing another part of me that they could relate too. He was always funny to the outside world. In my videos he came off as caring. Always asking if I needed something if he was heading to the store. Or he would bring me a cup of coffee, etc. Women in my comment section would brazenly tell him to leave me. After realizing how much attention he was receiving, Darnell started his own YouTube channel on relationship advice for young black couples. I just wished he took his own advice. Little did his small fan base know that Darnell was an abusive womanizer. He was a mastermind of manipulating a situation in order for me to feel guilty. And then to add insult to injury, I received messages from other women telling me that he was cheating on me and he had a child outside our relationship. I eventually stopped including him on my channel and I never addressed the issue of Darnell or why he no longer made cameo appearances. My followers would ask but I ignored them because it was a really personal topic. Maybe I should do a confessional story upload. We'll see.

After uploading my video, I headed out for my scheduled mani and pedi

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After uploading my video, I headed out for my scheduled mani and pedi. Some fans recognized me and we took pictures. I swear it's still strange for me to have complete strangers recognize me and want to take pictures. I always had to make sure I wasn't looking raggedy. By the time I got home, it was around 4:30. I wasn't expecting Megan to be home since she told me she was going out for a lunch date with her mom. Any kind of date with her mom usually meant her whole day would be occupied since after eating they tended to go shopping for hours on end.

When I pulled up to my house and parked, an all too familiar black BMW with illegally tinted windows pulled up right behind me and blocked my car in. Dread washed over me like ice water. That was Darnell's car. I wasn't in the mood to fight with him today and I wondered if I could make it inside my house safely before he reached me. When he stepped out of the car and his face became visible, my fight or flight instincts kicked in. Darnell was handsome with a slight bushy fro and a full yet trimmed beard. His dark skin was smooth and blemish free.
Today, he sported a little more hair on his face than what I was used to seeing on him. He was sexy as hell and the problem was that he knew it.

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