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A/N : I suppose the positive side of quarantine is tons of idea are entering my head--

This was a bad idea.

(honestly me when I publish this chapter--//shush)

Why he had to bother himself by going to the Dead Realm? If it wasn't for his mother who told him that he had a part to rule on this chaotic and hot place, he would stay in the palace, working on the piling up papers he had to complete as the result of his ascension to the throne.

A week hadn't even passed since he replace his mother as the leader of the kingdom, and look at him now. Kneeling on the ground with his damaged armor, painted with his blood stains, as if life was only one second from over. It was simply a miracle how his sword on his steel-like grip still didn't caught any defect.

"I'm impressed, Soraru-sama" the Demon King laughed mockingly, wiping Soraru's blood off his sword with his fingers and gave it a lick, smirking at the sweet taste, "For a mere human, you have a strength so great, but it was nothing compared to my strength though"

Soraru spat out some blood from his mouth to his side. The iron taste lingered in his tongue as he tried to rise, using his sword to pull himself up, "Shut up, I'm not that stupid to not knowing such a simple fact, Araki-sama. I'm not blind"

Araki's laugh was getting louder in volume, sounding really satisfied, "Oh how I like your sarcasm, Soraru-sama! You're really a fun opponent, but unfortunately I don't have more time to fight you" he sighed disappointingly, lowering his sword until its eye touched the hard ground below his feet, "Very well then. How about you fight him instead, hmm?"

"Him?" Soraru wondered out loud.

His ears perked up hearing a flutter of wings, and a gust of wind hit him in the face as a figure with large, black feather wings landed with a loud 'thump' next to Araki. His long scythe, tinted with old and fresh bloods, stood proudly behind his back.

"Ara, ara~, so this is Soraruko-sama's successor~?" the figure chuckled, bending his body forward a bit. His sweet and feminine, yet threatening voice caught Soraru's attention. 

Wait a second. Large, black feather wings and a scythe just as large as his wings?

Ah, could he escape from the Dead Realm? He had no idea.

With the Angel of Death right before his eyes, it was as if all of his hope to come back to the King's Guard's long speech were wiped out from his chest.

The fight between Soraru the new King and Mafumafu the Angel of Death was unavoidable. Soraru may had lost his right minds from the battle, because why else he found the chuckles and laughs that escaped from the angel's ripe lips adorable? He even smiled when he heard the sweet laugh echoed in his ears.

Kami-sama, what's wrong with Soraru.

The eye of Mafu's scythe swung tirelessly as if there was no tomorrow, incising thin cut wounds throughout Soraru's body that couldn't depend on his broken armor anymore. Every time his skin made contact with the cursed iron, Soraru felt his energy was drained out from him. He considered death as a better choice for him now.

Better because he could meet his beloved mother again, right?

Nevertheless, Soraru promised to himself to fight until his last drop of blood.

Soraru's sword fell down from his shaking hand, and the King collapse to his back with the Angel of Death floated on top of him, his wings flapped in a steady motion to keep him in the air. Mafu pointed his scythe to Soraru's neck, his dangerously sweet smile graced upon his pale face, "You're so great, Soraru-sama~" he giggled cutely.

Soraru didn't know what possessed him when he felt his own lips stretched to a small smile, "I could say the same to you, Mafumafu-san"

"Of course! Who do you think I actually am?" that snobby laugh again, and Soraru thought he must had been crazy for thinking it was adorable as well, "As much as I enjoy this, I must not fail Araki-san, so say goodbye to the living world, Soraru-sama~" and he lifted his scythe.

"Mafu-kun, stop it"

Soraru was already too weak to react as black vines sprang out from nowhere and caught the base of Mafu's scythe, halting its movement just when it almost sliced Soraru's neck to a half. Mafu clicked his tongue in annoyance to the demon who stopped his assassination, "Luz-kun, let my scythe go" he stated darkly.

"Don't, Mafu-kun" the Demon King's Butler landed near them, folding his black wings as he approached Mafu. It was when Soraru realized the black vines were none other than Luz's arm itself that could transform to anything. Luz whispered something to Mafu hastily, and the Angel of Death was startled, unconsciously removed his scythe from Soraru's neck.

A sigh of relief escaped Soraru's mouth, and he closed his eyes, feeling exhaustion taking over.


A/N : Hello, everyone! How are you doing?

This is my first multi chapter story in English, and I hope my lack of vocabulary or grammar doesn't bother you much. English isn't my native language anyways, ehehe, I hope you're fine with it! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu, minna~.

Keep yourselves clean, all! Don't forget to wash your hands and have exercises!

See you next time!

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