Chapter 7

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Hey! I know it's been sooooooo super long since I've updated this story, but sorry. Anyways, here's the chapter. Like always, hope u enjoy, plz comment & vote.

Love BigCatsRule
Selena's p.o.v

"So how've you been doing?" Justin asked.

"Yea, good. You?" I asked.

"Good" he replied.

"Cool" I said.

"Cool" he repeated.

After what seemed a long period of awkward silence, and Justin looking at me in a perverted way, I thought, might as well do something to stop it.

" you want anything to drink? Tea? Coffee? Juice?"

"Coffee would be cool"

"K. I'm gonna go make some".

"Actually, I think I'm good", Justin said as he walked up towards me and pushed me against the wall.

"Well, what do you want?", I said a bit taken back by his actions.

"All I want", he whispered seductively in my ear, and then started kissing me roughly. Once I got my brain working again, I started kissing him back. He then tried to take off my shirt, and I pushed him away.

"What's wrong, baby?" He asked.

"Justin, you know I'm not ready for that yet?"


"So?! That's your response? You know the whole reason why, and yet you reply with a 'so'!", I yelled, "I feel like this relationship to you, is only about the physical stuff. But guess what? It's not! Because an actual relationship is when you really care about someone, and they understand and love you for who you are. Not just for sleeping with them!"

I closed my eyes for a minute, until a felt a stinging pain on my cheek.

"Shut up you b***h! I've had it with you and your useless talks about real relationships and s#*t like that!"

"Excuse me?! You're calling me a b***h? And you have the guts to slap m-"

And I was cut off with another slap.

"Oh, you should NOT have done that!" I said, as I kicked his stomach.

"You little b***h! You will pa-"

He was cut off with a slap from me, across his cheek.

"Now.....GET OUT!!", I yelled.

"Baby, please! I'm sorry!"

"Oh, cut the act because we're done. Now get out!" I said, as I pushed him out of my apartment.

"Byeeee! Have a great life without me! Wonder how you'll manage without me? Oh well. Hope you get run over", I said with a fake smile on my face, and shut the door. As soon as I closed the door, I slowly slid down it, and sat on the ground, and closed my eyes and sighed.

Once I was sure he was gone, I walked out and went to Louis' flat. I knocked on the door, and Liam appeared at the door.

"Hey....Selena, right?" He said.

"Yea. Is Louis here?" I asked.

"Yea he's in his room", Liam said as he led me to Louis' room. I walked in, as soon as Liam walked away.

"Come in!" Louis yelled.

I opened the door, to see him shirtless, getting his shirt. I couldn't help but stare at his perfect, toned body.

"Like what you see?" Louis said with a smirk.

"Err...I j-just spaced out", I said as I felt heat rising to my cheeks, and quickly tried to hide my face.

"Don't hide, you look cute when you blush", he said.

I just smiled and blushed even more, and he just chuckled as he slid his shirt on.

"So why are you here?" He asked.

"Oh umm....I just wanted to tell someone what happened, because I just can't keep it in anymore", I said as I let out a breath which I hadn't realised I was holding.

"Okay, but what about Jessica?"

"Well, she went out to get some candy she had apparantly run out so yea. Anyways, it kinda seems like I'm stalling so I'm gonna get straight to the point. I....broke up with Justin just a few minutes before I came here", I said as I felt a huge relief rush over my body.

"What did he do?", Louis said as he tensed up.

"Well, we've dated for a while now, but today I finally listened to my best friend and I broke up with him. Every time he had the chance he would always kiss me, and it would turn out into a heated makeout session then he would try to 'go there' if you know what I mean. Today before he got here, I got a text saying he was visiting for a week, and Jessica started telling me I should break up with him because he was a jerk", I said, but left out the detail where she said about me and Louis dating. I then realised his hands were balled into fists, and his knuckles turned white, I took his hand and he released his grip and relaxed. After a few minutes of sitting in a nice silence, he spoke up.

"Well I'm glad you broke up with that jerk, because he doesn't deserve someone as sweet and beautiful as you", Louis said.

I just smiled, and said "thanks". But then Louis looked away.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I also...umm....broke up with E-Eleanor..." He stuttered.

"Oh. Why? Did she do something?"

"Yea, once she came inside, we started talking, she went to the bathroom, but left her phone on the table, and vibrated and she got a text and it said 'hey babe when are you gonna be done with your meeting at work?' And it also said 'from: Dean my awesome bf' with some heart emojis and stuff" Louis explained, as he looked down.

"Omg Louis. I feel so sorry for you", I said as I hugged him. Then I couldn't stay strong anymore and let all the tears stream down my face, that were supposed to appear as soon as Justin left.

"Guess we both got out of terrible relationships on the same day. Wanna order some pizza and drown our sorrows in it ?" Louis suggested.

"Yea" I said as I lightly laughed tears were still pouring. Then Louis took his phone out and called the pizza place and ordered some pizza. We decided to watch the movie 'White Chicks' on the TV Louis had in his bedroom. Just as the movie was about to start, Liam screamed out:

"Who ordered pizza?!"

I quickly ran out of the room grabbed the pizza, ran back into the room, and locked the door, before Niall could get to me.

"I want some pizza! It's not fair you two get the whole box!" Niall yelled while he banged on the door.

"Order one yourself!" I yelled back at him.

"Oh, good idea. I'm gonna order TWO pizzas instead!" Niall said.

"Ok bye!" I said, and I heard him walk away.

"Can he really eat 2 pizzas by himself?" I asked Louis, who was sitting on his bed.

"Yep. Now let's watch the movie!" Louis said.

I sat beside him and we laid the pizza on the bed and ate it as we watched the movie and laughed at the funny bits.

It was around 11pm and we were watching 'The Maze Runner' and even though Dylan O'Brien was so hot, I fell asleep on Louis' shoulder half way through the movie. But I knew Jess would start asking where I am later but oh well.

Hey! Well, I finally finished writing this chapter! Hope u enjoyed. Plz comment & vote. Byeeee! Hopefully I'll update sooner (even tho I'm probably lying now).

Love BigCatsRule

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