Chapter 21

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*1wk later...*
Selena's p.o.v.

The day after we all went out to eat, was when Louis and I made sure to fake our break up. We went to a park, and we had tweeted a photo of us there. Once we saw that there were enough paps and fans, we "broke up". It was honestly really hard for me not to laugh, because we both knew it was fake and the people around us actually bought our act.

When we got back, we decided to tell the other boys, since Jess already knew and it didn't seem fair that they don't know. Once we told them, they were glad and relieved about that because they had already seen the news of us "breaking up".

Moving on to today, Jess and I were just chilling out, watching TV. That is until, my phone vibrated on the table.

"Management just texted me saying there's a movie premiere" I told Jess.

"Yay!" She said.

"But...I have to go as Justin's 'date'" I said, using air quotes as I said "date".

"Oh...but don't worry about it. Once we get back you can be with Louis" Jess said, and with that I heard my phone vibrate on the table. I took a look at it, and management had, once again, texted me saying that there'll be an after party too...

"Great..." I said sarcastically.

"What?" Jess asked.

"Management texted me again and there is going to be an after party, after the movie premiere" I said.

"Oh...We can try and leave early if you want to?" Jess suggested.

"Or I can miss the after party altogether and say I'm not feeling well, or make up some weird excuse" I said.

"Okay, that works. But i might stay for the after party a bit for the food" Jess said.

"More pizza for me then" I said, shrugging casually.

"But I'm gonna get cake" Jess said, sticking her tongue out as I did the same to her.

"Shopping or online shopping?" I asked.

"Shopping! That way we can get food too" Jess said.

"Mkay. Let's get ready then" I said, as I picked out a pair of jeans to change into, and a shirt, since I was still wearing my pjs. Jess was also in her pjs so she had to change too.

Once I finished, and I opened the door, Liam was standing there about to knock.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I just wanted to ask Jess something in person, other than a text or a phone call" Liam said.

"Oh, she's still in her room trying to find her favourite piece of her many accessories. Oh and tell her that I'll meet her in the lobby downstairs" I said, as he nodded and walked in.

After a few minutes, Jess finally came down to the lobby, and skipped over to me.

"What happened that made you so happy?" I asked, as Jess and I started walking towards the car.

"Liam asked me to go as his date to the premiere!" Jess said, happily.
(1D song reference!! Love that song tho).

"I knew he would. You are his girlfriend so yea" I said, as I started driving to the mall.

"Yea, but it's so sweet that he asked me in person and didn't do it over a phone call or a text" Jess said.

"Yep. Well, we're here so let's start shopping!" I said, as Jess and I both got out of the car.

*Few hrs Later...*

Jess and I had bought our outfits (outfits at the side/top). We were now getting ready for the premiere, since we did eat some food at the mall.

The 1D boys were also getting ready in their hotel rooms. Well maybe just doing stuff while we actually finished, since we do take a while.

"And done" I said, as I put back the lip gloss.

"So am I. Now let's go" Jess said, as I took my side bag and Jess took her clutch.

As Jess and I waited for the elevator, I quickly texted Louis, telling him that we'll meet him in the lobby. He replied within seconds, and said that they were already there.

Once the elevator doors opened, the boys saw us, and Louis and Liam came over to us. Louis complimented me, and I thanked him, but then I noticed that there were three other girls with Niall, Zayn and Harry.

"I never knew you three had girlfriends" I said pointing to Niall, Zayn and Harry, as Jess and I walked over to them, with Liam and Louis beside us.

"Oh umm...they're not our girlfriends...they're just friends of ours that we chose to take to the premiere" Harry said, as Niall and Zayn just agreed, since they were all bright red with embarrassment.

"Hi, I'm Jessica and this is Selena", Jess said, introducing us to the three girls.

"Hi I'm Kayla" The girl with short blonde hair, said. Who I'm also guessing is Niall's date...they seem like a cute couple.

"I'm Skylar", The taller girl with blonde hair said. I'm also guessing she's Harry's date...

"And I'm Ella Dawn" said the girl with long brown hair, and blue eyes. What I noticed is that Skylar and Ella both had blue eyes while Kayla had green.

"Nice to meet you, Ella, Kayla, and Skylar" I said, smiling.

"I think we should get going now. Otherwise we'll be late and plus our limo just got here" Harry said, and we all agreed and walked out the lobby, and into the limo.

The good thing was, management has allowed Louis and I to meet Eleanor and Justin at the premiere, instead of arriving with them. Plus I really did not want to deal with Justin in the limo, because knowing him, he would want to talk about how we should get back together, since no one knows about Louis and I secretly dating other than, Jess, Zayn, Niall, Liam and Harry.

Louis and Eleanor, Justin and I had already gone out publicly, so the fans and paps now know we're "back together" with our exes. Management said that we had gotten more hate when Louis and I were together, but honestly now that we're back with our exes we have received a lot more of hate comments during this last week. So many fans were calling me a slut, whore, and other horrible words I do not want to repeat.

"We're here" said the limo driver. We thanked him, and got out one-by-one. Smiling and waving for the fans and paps. Justin then appeared by my side, and I noticed Eleanor was with Louis. This just feels weird, wrong and twisted...


Heyyy peeps! I've finally updated! It's been soooo long! But hey, I still managed to update. I've been busy with last minute assignments, and shopping for a special occasion that won't happen until like the end of this month! Anyways, I still hope u enjoyed this chapter!

Btw, for those ppl that r reading my other book Truly, Madly, Deeply I know I said I would've updated soon in the last note in the last chapter, but this time I promise I will update really soon! Plz don't hate me...but just give me another 2 days or so, and it'll be updated.

Oh and if u're a fan of 5sos or Calum Hood specifically, don't forget to check out "Secrets" (a Calum Hood fanfic) by my best friend (whose co-writing my other story), 19_JANIEL_22 . It's on her account, and it's awesome!

Well that's all for now, hopefully I'll update sooner next time. Byeeeeeee now! Hope u had/have an amazayn day!

Love BigCatsRule

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