Chapter 10

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Heyyyy! I have nothing to say other than i am sooooo sorry i havent updated sooner. I was just busy with school work and i was also trying to work on a chapter for Truly, Madly, Deeply which i updated today, if u wanna read it. Anyways, hope u enjoy this chapter!

Love BigCatsRule
Louis' p.o.v.

"I still cant believe they were okay with me dating and hanging out Selena. Usually we would always have arguments until they agree" I said.

"True" Liam said.

"I think you should tell Selena the great news" Harry said.

"I was just about to do that" i said as i grabbed my keys, phone and wallet, and walked to Selena and Jessica's flat. I knocked on the door, and Selena opened it.

"Oh hey! What are you doing here?" She said.

"Well i have great news to tell you" I said.

"Awesome. But do you wanna talk about it over coffee 'cause i was just getting my jacket and go grab some" she said.

"Yea sure" i said, as she locked the door behind her.

"Starbucks?" I asked.


*20mins later...*

We were now sitting at one of the beaches in LA, since it wasnt as crowded today, because the it wasnt the type of weather for the beach.

"So what was the great news about?" Selena asked.

"Oh right. You know when you called me if i was free, and i said i had an important meeting?"


"Well the meeting was about you and me. Apparantly a few paps had taken pictures and put it everywhere, and management wanted to know what was going on. Ya'know if we were dating or not, i told them we were dating. Hopefully you're not mad at me for confirming it to them" i said.

"Its fine, i would've done the same. Keep going" she said.

"And then they asked me if i had known about the pics and stuff, and i told them i hadnt because i havent been on social media since we got here, and i also didnt watch the news on tv. But they told me that most of our fans had been happy about it and they actually accepted us dating" i said.

"Oh my gosh! Really? Dont they usually say the opposite?" Selena asked, shocked.

"Thats what i thought, but i guess they actually do have a good side" i said.

"That wasnt just great news.....that was awesome sauce news!" She said as she hugged me.

"Awesome sauce?" I asked a bit confused with the saying.

"I dont know, i've just heard so many people say it before. I guess its just because it sounded fun and plus it rhymed" she said, as she shrugged.

"That makes a bit more sense" i said, as i kissed her. Then what was supposed to be only a kiss, it had turned into a make out session, until we needed to breathe so we pulled apart, while my hands were still wrapped around her waist and her hands wrapped around my neck. And we just stood there in that position, just staring into each others eyes, for a few minutes. Until we saw a few flashes. Once we turned around we realised they were paps and fans, so we ran, once they started chasing us, and we got into my car and drove away as quickly as possible.

"" Selena said, in between breathes.

"Arent your fans this crazy?" I asked.

"No, not really. They're usually really nice and most of the time they actually let me have my privacy".

"I wish i had that. Our fans can go a bit overboard most of the times".

"Yea i know. It kind of shows" she said.

"Yea. So do you wanna spend some time together in my room? I have a lock on it so no one can interupt us this time" i suggessted.

"Yea okay. But what are we going to do?"

"We could-"

"Woah! Hold up! Not that far in the relationship yet"

"I was going to say, we could play monopoly. Damn, you're dirty minded" i said, as we got of the car since we arrived back at the hotel.

"I get that alot" she said as we walked towards the entrance.

"I can see why" i said as i smirked.

"Hey! Gosh you're an idiot" she said, as she pushed me.

"Yea but you're idiot that you love" i said.

"Nah, i kind of hate you right now and since you said that im not going to talk to you" she said as she crossed her arms and started walking faster.

"I can make you change your mind" i said, as she raised her eyebrow. Then just before she was about to walk off again, i kissed her by surprise, and she kissed back.

"Yea, you're right you're an idiot, but i dont know if i love you or not. You may have to think of how to make up for th-" but before she could talk any longer, i pushed her against the wall of the hotel and kissed her. I then bit her lip trying to slide my tongue in her mouth, but since she was a tease she kept it shut. So i decided to move my hand lower down her back, and squeeze her ass, as she wrapped her legs around my waist, and gasped causing her to open her mouth and giving me a chance to slide my tongue in.

"Damn you" she mumbled as she kissed me again.

"So you love me now?" I said.

"Yea, i was just messing around with you before. But this turned out well, so yea" she said.

"Lets go inside, yea?"

"Yep" she said we held hands and went inside the hotel and into the elevator up to our level. Once i opened the door to my flat, it was really quiet.

"Weird. Usually they're noisy" i said.

"Oh well. They must've went out or something" selena said, as she took off her jacket and left it on the arm rest of the couch.


From: The Payne Train!

Hey! We went out for dinner, since you're mostly likely with Selena you two can get yourselves dinner. Anyways, we'll be back by 5:30pm.

"Yep they went out to dinner" i said, as i left my phone on the table.

"Yea, i got a text from Jessica saying that she was with them" Selena said, as we sat down on the couch.

"So monopoly?" I asked.

"I guess so" she replied.

Hey! I finally made one of my chapters long. Anyways, hope u enjoyed it. Vot, comment. And again, sorry for not updating earlier, i was busy so yea. Btw i might add a bit of drama in the next chapter.

Love BigCatsRule

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