Chapter 6

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Hey! I just wanna say tysm for the votes and views on this story and my other one! I really appreciate it! Well here's chapter 5, hope u enjoy!

P.S. Pic of Jessica on the side....

Love BigCatsRule



*Next Day...*

Selena's p.o.v.

I was still lying in bed, not bothered getting up. I kept thinking, 'why do I feel so weird when I'm around Louis?' Then all of a sudden I heard a


noise. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table, and saw that I had a new message from Justin.

From: The Bestest BF eva!!

Hey babe! Long time no see! So, just lettin ya know that I'm staying over at ur hotel for 1 wk. Can't wait to see ya tmrw, @ 2pm!

Love ya!

"$#*t!" I muttered to myself.

I totally forgot he was coming over! If he knows that Louis and I have been hanging around, he'll probably beat the crap out of Louis! If you're thinking 'why would Justin do that' well, let's just say he's the really jealous and protective type.

"What? Justin's coming over? Are you kidding me? That little motherf-" Jess said before I cut her off.

"Jess, I know you hate him, but please don't say that in front of me. And was I saying my thoughts out loud again?"

"Oh no $#*t sherlock! I'm a mind reader. Of course you did!", Jess said sarcastically.

"Ok, ok", I said.

"For how long is that stuck-up boyfriend of yours, staying here?" Jess asked, as she sat up on her bed.

"A week"

"Ugh! That's it! You have to break up with him"

"What are you taking about? And why should I break up with him?"

"Can't you see, Selena?"

"See what?"

"That you and Louis should date"

"Waitwaitwaitwait......hold your horses. Date?! Louis and I are just friends and we just met!"

"Fine, have if your way. But you'll see..." Jess muttered.

"What was that last bit?"

"Nothin! I'm gonna go freshen up!" And with that she ran into the bathroom like Speedy Gonzales....

Weird.... But then again it could be her 'time of month'...

Louis' p.o.v

I had just received a text from Eleanor and I had completely forgot that she was visiting! And did I mention, staying in the same hotel as me!

"Boys!! Get your asses over here and help me clean up!" I yelled, since Zayn was in the bathroom fixing his hair, like always, Niall was in the kitchen eating, Liam texting someone, Harry playing video games. But yet no one listened...

I made a group chat between the 5 of us and sent them a text:


"Are you serious??"


"She's going to ruin our vacation!"

Everyone complained at once.

"Shut your mouths and help me clean up, and be nice"

The boys all groaned but still started helping.

Justin's p.o.v

I actually kind of lied to Selena, I'm not exactly going to see her tomorrow. I'm going to surprise her seeing her today. I had actually just arrived, when I texted Selena, from the airport. But now I'm in a normal car (to blend in), being driven by one of my security guards, to the hotel Selena and her friend, Jade? Joan? Or whatever her friend's name is, staying. I also heard a rumour that One Direction were in the same hotel as Selena, and some even say their rooms were next to hers. Hopefully that's not true, because I don't want any of them getting 'too close' to Selena.

I finally arrived at the hotel. I checked the hotel name I had written on a piece of paper:

Victoria's Hotel

Yep. It was the one. (Note: made up name).

I let my 2 security guards take my luggage into the hotel. I went inside and asked the lady at the front desk, for the key to my room. I was number 18, but Selena's was 11. Oh well. I told the guards that I was going to see Selena. I walked towards her room, and knocked.

"Give me 2 minutes!", Selena yelled.

While I was waiting, a girl walked by, and knocked on the door next to Selena's. And someone also called out the same words Selena had said.

"Hi my name is Eleanor, you must be the famous Justin Bieber?", Eleanor said, as she held out her hand for me to shake it. Which I did.

"Yea I am. Who are you visiting?"

"I'm actually surprising my boyfriend Louis Tomlinson. If you didn't know he's from the boy band One Direction. Who are you visiting?"

"I'm also surprising my girlfriend Selena Gomez"

"I thought I heard you two broke up? Did u get back together or was that a fake rumour?"

"No it's true, but we solved our problem, so yea". And as I said that both doors swung open.

"Hey!" Selena and Louis said at the same time. Then they both came out of their separate rooms, and saw that they were both saying/doing the same thing at the same time.

"Err....aren't you going to hug me?" I asked Selena, but she was still staring at Louis who had started talking to Eleanor, which lead to let's just say, PDA...

"Selena!" I said as I waved my hand in front of her face, as Louis and Eleanor had gone inside Louis' room.

"Huh? What?"

"I said, aren't you going to hug me?"

"Oh sorry, I zoned out", she said as she hugged me.

"I missed you" she said into my shoulder.

"So did I" I said.

"Well, come in", Selena said as she released from the hug, and lead me inside.


Finally finished typing this chapter up! Yay! Well hopefully u liked it! Thx for reading.

Love BigCatsRule


P.S. ILoveLiamPayne101 I made up that name for the hotel on purpose (;

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